Chapter 18

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Heaven's P.O.V

We are finally back home! Taylor's been acting like a lost puppy without Harry. I try to help as best as I can. She goes to the studio for hours then comes back home and lays in bed. I hate to see her this way over Harry, so I called in a little help.

Right now, Taylor and I are sitting on the couch watching Love Actually. I put it on so it would help. It helped a little.

"Taylor, how about we put on our onesies?" I asked very enthusiastically. Taylor got us matching onesies, but we only wore them once because I refused to wear a cat covered onesie twice. I almost didn't wear it the first time, but, unfortunately, Taylor knows that I can't help but say yes when she bulges her sparkling blue eyes at me and pouts her lip, so she did that and I ended up wearing the onesie.

Her face lit up slightly. "Really? I thought you didn't like the onesie?" I saw in her face that she was starting to get depressed again.

"No, no, no! I love the onesie! It's just I was embarrassed about having a matching onesie with you, but I'm fine now," I lied, may I say, flawlessly. Suddenly, here lips tugged upward as began smiling wide and then nodded her head. I paused the movie, so we could get changed.

"Okay. Come on," she answered with a smile. It was small, but it was a smile, and I'm taking whatever I can get. She stood up and reached her hand down to me. Taking this opportunity to have some fun with her, I snatched Taylor's hand so hard making her fall onto the couch. Hard. She let out a grunt of pain and shock.

"Beat ya upstairs!" I yelled running out the room. I knew Taylor, and her competitive side was gonna eat her up. After running for a few seconds, I looked back and was surprised to see Taylor right behind me with the biggest smile I have seen her with in the past 3 days we've been back. Seeing her all bubbly and excited could only make me feel the exact same way.

I was surprised when I felt a hand grab my leg and yank me back so hard I actually fell. Along with the thud of my body hitting the floor, I heard the loudness of Taylor's laugh echoing throughout the house. That laugh that you knew was genuine because it was so dorky and loud. It, hands down, was the weirdest laugh I've ever heard, but when I heard it, I had no choice but to start laughing myself.

All this is fun, but I'm not letting Taylor win. I guess from Taylor's actions we're cheating now. Two can play at that game. Idea! I grabbed my leg that I had injured a while ago, at the hands of Taylor and a bat, and started wincing in pain. "Ahhhh! I fell on my leg! It hurts!" I cried out. Taylor immediately stopped from her position on the stairs and ran down and fell at my side. Her face showed concern and worry. I knew I had got her.

"Oh my gosh, babe, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear! How bad does it hurt?" She asked genuinely concerned. You would think she had learned from when Ellen and I pranked her at the show.

"I don't know? How does this feel?" In one swift motion, I had pushed her shoulders down, catching her completely by surprise, and shot up and began running up the stairs. I didn't need to turn around to know that Taylor was coming after me. The stomping of her feet against the stairs was enough.

As I was on the final step, I felt a huge force on my back causing me to fall on the steps.

"Get off me!" I yelled while laughing hysterically.

"No! You tricked me! And it really hurt! You deserve everything you get!" She joked.

"I wasn't the one cheated first! You grabbed my leg!" I rebutted.

"You pulled me into the couch!" She shouted. She had a point. I did do that, but I would never admit that.

"Whatever. Come on. I told you I'd beat you up the stairs, and that's what's going to happen." I started to stand up with Taylor on my back, holding on for dear life, nearly choking me. I walked up that final step and planted my feet on top. "Ha! I win! You stink!" I shouted looking back at her.

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