Into The Caverns

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As we continued to walk through the dark caverns of the cave, I heard the faint sound of a waterfall.

"Volt, are there supposed to be waterfalls here?" I whispered.

"U-Uh I believe so. S-Since we are underwater after all," He muttered. The sounds of the calming water drew us closer.

"I wonder what is at the bottom of that waterfall? Maybe loads and loads of money?" Freya suggested. I sighed.

"If money is what you find down there, take all of it. I just need the sword," I said.

"Can I split the wealth with you?" SubZero asked as he poked his head in between Freya and I.

"No cause I would have found it first," Freya scoffed as she walked ahead. I followed.

God, I'm still mad at him for making a rash decision like that. What was going through his head? I thought as I crossed my arms and looked ahead at the dark tunnel ahead of us.

"Hey, guys. I see light," Volt said worriedly. I rushed up to him to investigate.

"Where could it be coming from?" I muttered.

"There's probably treasure, loads of it in there," Freya said as she walked ahead of us.

"Hey wait! Don't do anything stupid over here!" I shouted as I ran towards Freya.

"Woah, check it out!" Freya said. I stopped beside her and looked ahead of me. A huge hole lay below us, with water flowing all the way from the top of the cavern to the bottom. Above us, long vines dangled from the grey rocky ceiling. The cavern was illuminated by light blue flowers, which adorned the cavern walls.

"The sword must be where all that water leads at the bottom!" I shouted.

"Or even better, lots of jewels," Freya said as she rubbed her hands together.

"We n-need to be cautious before investigating," Volt whispered.

"You need to learn how to speak up and stop speaking like a child," SubZero said as he messed with Volt's hair. Volt gingerly removed SubZero's hand from his head.

"Do we jump?" I asked as I looked at the group.

"I think we should create an ice slo-" Volt was suddenly interrupted by a loud growl. We quickly turned around to see the beast Volt and SubZero were fighting behind us.

"The answer to that question is yes, JUMP!" Freya shouted as she leaped from the rocky cliff into the water awaiting her below. Volt and SubZero followed. I took one last look at the fluffy beast, who was now running towards us and jumped into the unknown abyss below us.

I should have fought the beast, I could have easily taken it on. I thought as I looked at the watery depths below me. I closed my eyes and landed in the water. I quickly opened my eyes and looked down to see myself transforming into a siren. 

Shit! They're gonna find out now! I thought as I watched my legs slowly turning into a dark purple fin. My hair turned from a dark black to a royal blue. My gills for ears, which I tried so hard to hide, doubled in size. I tried to use my hair to hide them, but it was no use.

Well crap, I didn't think I would have to explain this to the group. Now they're gonna see me as weak and a burden. I thought as I looked at my comrades who were struggling to swim. I sighed as I swam towards them. SubZero was the closest to me so I quickly swam to him to help him get out of the water. He looked at me and was taken aback. He quickly tried to shoot his ice at me. I rolled my eyes as I swiftly swam the other way and grabbed his waist. He struggled as I swam with him to shore. I threw him on the shoreline and turned around to grab Volt and Freya. Suddenly, I felt a harsh tug on my fin.

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