Rhinestone Eyes

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I walked inside to see the cavern, unlike the others. This tunnel was adorned with patches of rhinestone along the walls. I looked at the floor to see running water protected by the clear crystal floor we were standing on.

"How come SubZero gets such a cool tunnel and not me?" Freya asked, crossing her arms.

"It's because I'm better than you!" SubZero sneered. Freya signed.

"Whatever, you're so full of yourself," Freya scoffed. We continued to walk along the tunnel. I looked along the walls to observe the rhinestones once more. Something felt off with them.

"Looking to make yourself some new jewelry?" SubZero whispered. I jumped as I turned around and looked at him. He was grinning mischievously.

"No, just looking. Something about these rhinestones seems off to me," I said as I turned around

and closely observed the stone.

"Huh? What's so weird about rhinestones? They're just pretty little red gems," He said as he poked one with his finger. Suddenly, the one he poked jumped up from its place and jumped from its place on the wall onto the ground. It started to crawl towards SubZero in a spider-like motion.

"What the heck?" He shouted as he jumped back. The rhinestone continued to crawl towards him.

"Run!" I cried as I ran for the exit. I looked behind me to see SubZero, Freya, and Volt following me. I turned back to see that we were close to reaching the exit.

"Keep running!" I shouted as I turned around to assess the situation. My eyes widened as I saw dozens of rhinestone spiders running towards us. I turned back around and suddenly halted to a stop. I looked down to see an icy cavern and a pond full of water. I looked back to see the group had caught up with me.

"We have to jump!" SubZero shouted as he turned to the group.

"What? There's water down there, if we jump and land in it I'll turn into a siren and be useless for thirty minutes-" SubZero ignored my pleas as he jumped off the cliff.

"That asshole," I muttered under my breath as I turned around to see the spiders now inches away from us. I looked back and jumped off the cliff, Freya and Volt followed.

"Volt, I'm creating a water whip! Hold onto it and get us down there safely!" I shouted as I created a water whip and hastily fastened it around me. I then tossed it to Freya who grabbed on.

"Hey Frosty! Grab onto this!" I shouted as I extended the whip a couple of feet down to him. He looked up at me and grinned.

"Glad to see you're following along with my plan for once!" He said as he held onto the whip. Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted into the air. I looked up to see Volt holding the rope with all his might as he struggled to fly.

"Just hold on for a little longer!" I shouted as we continued to descend. Volt said nothing as we continued to unsteadily descend deeper into the caverns. The temperature seemed to drop the lower we got. I looked up to see the rhinestone spiders at the top glistening in the light of the cavern.

"I don't think the spiders are allowed to come down here," I said.

"You're right," Volt said as he looked back up at the cliff.

"Volt look out!" Freya shouted. I looked up to see Volt flying right into the cavern wall.

"Volt watch where you're-" But it was no use, Volt collided with the cavern wall. It knocked him unconscious and he let go of the water whip.

"Brace yourselves!" I cried as we descended towards the bottom of the cavern. I quickly shot ice from my hands to create a small ice slope that would take us down to the bottom safely. My butt collided with the ice and I safely slid down the slope. I looked behind me to see SubZero sliding down followed by Freya and an unconscious Volt. I quickly reached the bottom and turned to see SubZero right behind me. I jumped out of the way as I watched him collide with the stone-cold floor. I stifled a giggle as I turned to see Freya and Volt land on the floor. I quickly rushed to Volt to check out his wounds.

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