An Unexpected Encounter

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I fell to the ground as I clenched my heart.

Why am I back here? I thought as I listened to the conversation I had with Myles.

"Myles, are you seeing another girl?" I heard my past self ask.

"No, of course not. What makes you think that?" He asked as he grabbed my past self's hand. I shivered as I touched my hand. An icky feeling formed in my stomach.

Why am I here again? I've already lived through this once! Why do I have to witness it again? I thought as I continued to watch the confrontation unfold. I saw the girl walking up to Myles. I tried to close my eyes, but a strange force was preventing me from doing so. I watched as the girl walked up to Myles and hugged him from behind. Then, it happened. My past self used her powers in an act of rage and the girl became trapped under her spell. Then, with one swift motion, the girl tackled Myles to the ground and wrapped her hands around his throat. She started to press onto his throat, ignoring his cries and pleas for help. Myles tried to push her off with his hands, and even tried breaking her arms, but my spell was too strong. Moments later, his grip around her hands loosened, and his body became limp. I felt tears sting my eyes as I watched my past self pick up the bow I had made for Myles, and run off into town. Suddenly, the room started to spin again.

"Knock it off! Please I just want to return to now!" I cried as I closed my eyes and clenched my hands in my hair. Suddenly, the room stopped spinning. I looked up to find myself in a pitch-black void. I stood up and scanned my surroundings for an exit. But there was none, only pitch black filled my vision.

"Hello, is anyone here?" I asked as I continued to walk around.

"Eria," A voice hissed. I turned around and looked in the direction of the voice.

"Hello? Who are you? Show yourself!" I demanded.

"Eria," The voice sang. I shivered as I looked ahead of myself and continued to walk.

"Hello?" I continued to shout. But there was no response, only the creepy voice calling out to me. I shivered as I looked behind me. Suddenly dark grey smoke started to form into a human figure. It looked like, Myles?

"Leave me alone, please!" I cried.

"Aw Eria, but I thought you didn't ever want to be alone again? And now you're pushing away my company?" The voice hissed.

"I have friends! I have lots of them! And I'm not alone!" I shouted as I turned to the figure. He snarled at me.

"Keep telling yourself that, you know it's all lies in the end," Myles said as he grinned at me.

"Leave me alone, and let me out of here!" I cried as I turned around and started to rush towards the void. Suddenly another cloud of smoke formed in front of me. It took the form of my old master.

"Master? What are you doing here?" I asked as I took a step back.

"You, have failed your training," She said as she pointed a finger at me.

"What? I never failed you? I did everything you asked of me!" I said as I clenched my hand to my heart.

"You, are a failure!" She cried as she lunged towards me. I crossed my arms to protect myself and closed my eyes. Moments later, I looked up to find myself on the shoreline of an ocean.

"Where am I?" I muttered as I looked around. The shore appeared to stretch out for miles. And the ocean seemed endless. The water was a bright shade of blue, and the horizon was fading from blue to a warm orange.

"It's been a while, daughter," I froze as I slowly turned around to see my father. He was sitting on a large rock with his legs crossed.

"What do you want?" I spat as I faced him.

"Just wanted to talk," He said. I looked at him perplexed.

"You've never wanted to have a civil conversation with me. Why all of the sudden?" I asked as I studied his face.

"I just wanted to remind you, that you will remain forever alone!" He shouted as smoke started to pour out from his mouth. I tried to scream but the smoke overcame me, and everything faded to darkness. 

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