The Final Choice

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I slowly opened my eyes to find myself on the floor, the trident still in me. I looked down and noticed I was wearing the necklace that I had taken from my master.

Strange. I thought as I looked up to see SubZero being strangled by my father. He was laughing boisterously as SubZero struggled in his hold. I groaned in pain as I mustered all the strength I could to get up. Step by step, I slowly got up. My father took notice as he turned around to face me.

"You're still alive? What a pest!" He shouted as he used his powers to pin SubZero against the wall. He then reached for the trident that was in me. But something overtook me, and I grabbed his hand, preventing him from touching the trident.

"Wow, what incredible strength! Why didn't you showcase this before?" He asked as he used his other hand to reach for my neck. But I quickly grabbed it and held it in place.

"Do not touch me," I said sternly. He looked at me mischievously.

"Or what?" he asked mockingly. The same force that took over me intensified, and I felt more powerful. My father looked at me perplexed.

"Your eyes, are normally ice blue. But why, why are they purple now?" he whispered. I grinned as the force within me intensified. My father tried to escape my grip, but it was no use. I was the stronger one. I grinned as I swam upwards and broke through the ceiling, my dad still in my grip. I continued to swim until we broke through the dome and were now floating atop Atlantis.

"This city, it was never yours!" I shouted as I stared into his eyes.

"But alas it is mine now!" He said grinning. My grip on him strengthened as I started him coldly in the eyes.

"It was never yours!" I shouted as I tossed him up into the air. He shot through the water like a bullet through the air. I quickly swam after him and grabbed him by the wrists.

"You have no place in this ocean!"

"I am destined to be the ruler of this whole ocean! You on the other hand am in the way of my goal!" he shouted as he struggled against my grip. I grinned as I started to make the water around us spin in a circular motion.

"Let's see what the ocean has to say about that," I said as I tossed him into the spiral.

"No!" He cried as he struggled against the waves. I watched as the waves overtook him.

"That was easier than I expected," I said as I stared at the waves around me. Suddenly, the same sharp pain overtook me, I quickly grasped my chest. I was still injured. The new power I had acquired must have numbed the pain.

"Dang it," I muttered as I looked ahead of me. My eyes widened as I saw my father in his true monster form.

I must have made him angrier. I thought as I watched his tentacles lunge towards me. I quickly dodged as I focused on intensifying the waves.

"Come on!" I cried as I continued to dodge his attacks.

"You dare disobey me?" My father growled as he lunged towards me with all eight of his purple tentacles. I quickly grabbed two of them and crushed them with my hands. He cried in pain.

"You dare take what doesn't belong to you?" I spat back as I grabbed another tentacle and crushed it. He growled. Suddenly the spirals I created started spinning backward, pulling me in.

"Gah!" I shouted as I focused on turning them clockwise.

"Even with your new powers, I am still far more powerful than you would ever hope to be!" He shouted. I groaned as I mustered all the strength I could to stay in the center of the circle.

"You are weak!" I groaned as I held onto my side.

He's wrong Eria! I heard my master's voice whispered. I looked up to try and find her.

"Master?" I whispered.

"I am your father! Not your master!" My father said as he grabbed my waist with his slimy purple tentacle. I felt myself getting pulled towards him.

Eria! You cannot give up! The ocean needs you, the same voice said inside my head. I felt the spark inside me reignite as I looked up at my father.

"What is up with those purple eyes?" He asked as he pulled me closer to his blood-red eyes to inspect them. I quickly punched his eye. While he was distracted by the pain, I quickly swam out of his grip and faced him.

"You, you don't deserve any of this," I said as I faced him. The waves started to turn clockwise.

"What is this?" He asked as he tried to reach me with his other five tentacles. But I quickly dodged. They hit the wave wall and she started to get sucked into the vortex.

"Release me! I am your father!" He cried as I watched him struggle.

"You were never a father to me. You only used me for my power! Nothing else. I was seen as an asset rather than your own!" I cried as I watched him get sucked further into the vortex.

"You are my daughter! All I ever did was love you! I didn't mean for it to come off that way!" He cried.

"You liar! All you ever did was tell lies! I am done with you and your quest for selfishness! You don't deserve to be here!" I cried as I swam backward. I quickly created a large spiral of water in front of me and shot it towards my father, propelling him fully into the water vortex. The vortex suddenly faded into a light shade of blue as my father dissolved in it. Then, with a big flash and bang, the vortex and my father disappeared forever. I sighed in relief as I felt myself become heavy. I slowly descended back into the tower and soon found myself on the emerald floor. I sighed as I looked up at the ocean, which seemed bluer than ever.

"So I guess this is where it ends," I whispered as I closed my eyes.

"There is no way in hell that you're dying on me!" I heard SubZero shout. I looked up to see that he was hovering above me. I smiled.

"Thanks for getting me killed," I muttered as I closed my eyes. I felt his fingers on my eyes as he forced them open.

"Nope, you're not dying on me Fishbait," he said as he pressed his hands to the hole in my stomach. I smiled as I closed my eyes.

"I don't think you can heal that wound," I whispered. SubZero groaned in annoyance.

"You're not dead yet, therefore I can heal you!" He said angrily as he pressed harder. I suddenly felt my stomach putting itself back together. Moments later, the fuzzy feeling stopped. I looked down to see that I was fully healed. I got up and swam in a circle.

"What? How-"

"I'm just too good!" SubZero cried as he pumped his fist into the air. I giggled.

"Yeah yeah-"

"Eria you did it!" Freya shouted as she swam towards me. I looked over to see her and Volt swimming towards me. I smiled as I stretched out my hands to them for a hug.

"Y-You did it," Volt said as he smiled shyly.

"No, we did it," I whispered. Volt and Freya embraced me. I smiled as I nuzzled my head into Freya's shoulder.

"Ugh fine, I'll get in on this group hug," SubZero said as he embraced all of us. We chuckled as he lifted us into the water. 

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