Freya's Challenge

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"Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's jump into this lake!" I shouted as I wobbled into the lake once more.

"Eria, how long can you stay as a siren?" Freya asked as she prepared to jump into the lake.

"As long as I touch the water. I was a siren for my whole childhood after all,"

"So how do you turn back?"

"Simple, as you saw before, if I don't touch water for 30 minutes I can turn back,"

"So for this next battle, I'm assuming you're sitting out?" Volt asked.

"Yeah, unless it takes you all an more than thirty minutes to defeat this creature. I assume it wouldn't though since Freya is an amazing warrior,"

"Enough talking! Let's go!" SubZero said as he plunged into the lake.

"Um, did he not take the time to think how he would breathe underwater?" I asked turning to Freya and Volt. They shrugged their shoulders. I sighed.

"Here I can create water bubbles for you two that will allow you to breathe underwater," I said as I formed two water bubbles in my hands. I then quickly shot them at Freya and Volt. The bubbles were placed on their heads, it looked as if they had glass bowls for their heads.

"Alright, let's go swimming!" I said as I plunged underwater. I quickly spotted a tunnel of light which I was assuming was Freya's challenge. I looked behind me to see Freya and Volt struggling to swim. I sighed as I created a water whip and extended it out to them. They both looked at each other hesitantly before quickly grabbing it. I pulled them forward towards the tunnel. We continued to swim before finally reaching it. As I entered, I felt myself getting pulled forward by a strange force.

"Everyone! Hold on!" I shouted. We were suddenly pulled into another cavern. The force threw us up.

"Brace yourselves!" I cried. I felt myself land on the hard rocky floor of the cave. I heard Freya and Volt land next to me. I looked up to see them on the ground.

"Are you two okay?" I asked as I sat up.

"Y-yeah I think so," Volt said scratching the back of his head.

"Where is SubZero?" Freya asked as she stood up and looked around.

"I-I wonder if h-he ran off," Volt said as he stood up.

"Are you looking for your little friend?" A booming voice asked. My eyes widened as I looked in the direction of the voice.

"Who are you?" Freya asked as she took out her dagger.

"Freya, you should know who I am. I was one of your favorite characters after all," The voice echoed.

"Unless you're that family I robbed a couple of days ago, then no I wouldn't know you," She said as she started to walk over to where the voice was coming from.

"Does the word Midas ring a bell to you?" Freya suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"No, it can't be. You were just from a story!" She shouted.

"But alas, I am real!" The voice said. Suddenly, a tall slim figure emerged from the shadows ahead of us. He was wearing a scarlet tunic and a golden cloak. Golden sandals adorned his feet. His hair was brown with faint shades of gray adorning it. 

"What did you do with SubZero?" I cried.

"Oh, the man that was just here? Take a look at my little prize collection," he said as he gestured to the wall on the right of him. I looked over to see mountains of gold and other treasures. Right in the middle of everything was SubZero, who was now a statue of gold.

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