The Battle Begins

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I woke up to find myself in the tavern. I groaned as I got up and touched my forehead.

"What happened last night?" I muttered as I stood up. I looked down to see that SubZero was next to me. I groaned as I looked around. It was just Volt and Freya at the other side of the tavern. They were both sprawled out on the table. I sighed as I put my hands on my hips.

"Why the heck did we spend the night at a tavern?" I muttered to myself as I looked around once more. Tables and chairs were everywhere, and there was a hole in the dark oak walls? I shook my head as I gently kicked SubZero with my foot.

"Get up Frosty, we have an enemy to defeat," I muttered as I continued to kick him. Suddenly he grabbed my foot and dragged me to the ground.

"Ouch" I cried as I looked up at him. He looked angry.

"I was just trying to sleep!" He shouted as he dropped my foot to the ground. I groaned as I got up.

"We have to defeat my father today, you know that right?" I asked as I rubbed the back of my head. SubZero grunted.

"Or we could do it tomorrow,"

"No, today. We're only ten miles away from Atlantis,"

"Okay? And that's not gonna change tomorrow," I groaned as I walked over to Freya and Volt. I quickly nudged them as I looked at him.

"We do it today," I said sternly.

"Do what today?" Freya asked as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She looked at me and grinned.

"Did we party too hard last night?" She asked. I groaned.

"I don't even remember what happened last night," I muttered. She chuckled.

"Maybe it's for the best. Anyways, when are we leaving?"

"We s-should get something to eat before we go," Volt quietly said. I looked over at him to see that he was still half asleep.

"Good idea. Lemme go check the kitchen to see what food we have," I said as I headed over to the kitchen. I opened the pantry to see there were loaves of bread and some jam.

"Bread and jam anyone?" I asked as I took them out.

"Sounds great," SubZero said as he took a seat at the nearest table. I threw a loaf his way and threw two more at Volt and Freya. I then grabbed some butter knives and two jars of jam. I placed one at Volt and Freya's table and walked over to SubZero's table.

"Here," I said as I handed him the jar. He snatched it and opened it ruthlessly. He then stuck his knife into it and spread a hearty amount of jam onto it.

"Well, I guess I'll just eat mine plain," I muttered as I bit into it. Moments after us silently eating, SubZero finally stood up.

"We go, now," he said as he headed towards the door. I nodded as I stood up and followed him and the others. We walked quietly along the cobblestone path as we headed to the sea. The sky was a dreary shade of gray, it looked as if it were about to rain any moment soon. The smell of salt soon filled my nose as we arrived closer and closer to the sea.

"Lead us to Atlantis," SubZero said as he gestured to the water. I smiled as I jumped into the water and watched as my feet transformed into a purple fin. I swam to the surface of the water and created air bubbles in my hands for Volt, Freya, and SubZero. I quickly launched them at them, the air bubbles landing on their heads, creating a barrier so that they could breathe.

"Alright, follow me," I said as I submerged myself in the water. SubZero followed after me, but Freya and Volt stayed up on the land. I swam to the surface of the water and looked at them confused. 

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