The Sword

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My body froze. I couldn't move a muscle, I couldn't speak. All I could do was stare at the ghost of Myles, my ex-boyfriend who I had killed in an act of rage.

Look what you've done, you've burdened others with your curse

No, no I haven't. I wouldn't ever do that!

Oh, but you have, and now he has to suffer because you have fallen in love.

In love? No, SubZero is just an acquaintance! A mere friend! 

But your heart says otherwise. My inner voice said chuckling as it faded away from my consciousness.

"Eria! Can you hear me?" SubZero shouted. I shook my head and looked at SubZero. I then looked ahead of us to see Myles still standing there.

"Eria, who the heck is he?" He asked as he looked at me.

"Just someone from my past, that's all," I said as I looked at Myles.

"Just someone from your past? I'm hurt," Myles said as teasingly said as he frowned.

"Just shut up and leave us alone!" I cried. Myles grinned.

"Eria what's going on?" Freya shouted behind me. I turned around to see her and Volt running towards us.

"Oh, are those your friends?" Myles asked teasingly. I turned and glared at him.

"Leave them out of this!" I angrily shouted. He grinned.

"Afraid not, they made the choice to stick with you," He said crossing his arms.

"Eria, who is that?" Freya asked as she ran up next to me.

"Just a ghost of my past," I said as I glared at Myles. He smirked.

"Why don't you properly introduce me to them. They're your friends, they have the right to know," He said as he looked at them.

"The past is in the past. I have nothing to explain to them. I've moved on," I said as I looked at him.

"Move on? How can I possibly move on when you have something that belongs to me?"

"I made this bow and gave it to you! Therefore, it's rightfully mine!" I shouted. Myles chuckled.

"That bow was given to me. The last time I checked, you cannot take back a gift. That would be referred to as stealing, and that isn't very nice," He said teasingly. I clenched my fists as I glared into his transparent green orbs.

"I made this bow with my own hands, I used the water from my village to craft it. I have the right to take it back and I did!"

"Yeah, when you killed me." I gasped.

"Oops. I didn't mean to reveal your big secret in front of everyone. Well, I guess you have to explain to everyone now. Buh bye," Myles said as he faded into nothingness. One by one, the flowers lit up again and the temperatures returned to normal. I dropped down to the icy floor and started to cry. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Volt smiling weakly.

"Y-you don't have to explain anything to us. It's okay, take as long as you-"

"Oh, I think she has every right to explain what the hell just happened," SubZero said sternly. I looked at him, tears blurring my vision.

"I-I," I barely managed to choke out.

"I have all day. I deserve to know why I decided to join a group with a filthy murderer and thief like you," He said as he created a small block of ice and sat on it.

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