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I layed on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I wanted to call Yeah-yeah but I didn't have any energy.

See, my new friends decided it would be best for me to join a summer activity. At first I chose baseball but they didn't let me play. Something about me being a girl, it's too dangerous, blah blah blah.

So I chose gymnastics.

It hurts. I can not move. But I wanna call Yeah-yeah.

I got up from my bed and waddled downstairs to the phone.

I picked up the phone and dialed his number. I almost forgot it but soon remembered he had wrote it on my shoe, which I was wearing at the time.

The phone rang.

And rang.

And continued to ring.

After a few minutes no one answered. I felt horrible.

What if he's mad at me?

What if he hates me?

What if he never wants to talk to me ever again!?

I ran up to my room and slammed the door.

"We do not slam doors in this house young lady!" My mom yelled up to me from downstairs.

I didn't care at the moment.

I slid down the wall in the back corner of my room. I buried my head into my knees and tried my very hardest not to cry.

Maybe he's just busy...

I tried to keep calm and think positive.

But maybe he hates me...

My anxiety never allows me to though.

I started crying lightly into my knees.

I just wanna move back...

I want my best friend back...

Long Gone || Alan McclennanWhere stories live. Discover now