Chapter 18

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"Hey, y' all aren't under the mistletoe," Sam teased as you and Bucky pulled away from kissing on the couch while you waited for the rest of the team to open presents.

" Don't need that anymore," you told him with a smile.

"Well, stop that, it's nasty," Sam said though he still had a smile on his face as he sat next to the Christmas tree. Bucky smirked.

Well, then don't look," Bucky total him before pulling you in for another kiss.


You moaned in the back of your throat as you straddled Bucky. Bucky gripped your hips and pulled you closer.

" Hey, you guys ready for movie- woah!" you heard Steve say before you pulled away and hid your burning face in the crook of Bucky's neck. You peeked up to see Steve turned away with hands over his eyes with a small smile.

" Go away, Punk. We are a little busy," Bucky said. You slapped him on the chest.

"Bucky," you scolded before smiling sheepishly at Steve." We will be up in a second," you told him.

" Yep," Steve said, keeping his eyes covered as he left your apartment.


You smiled against Bucky's lips as he pushed you up against the wall at one of Tony's holiday parties. "They are going to come looking for us," you said as you tilted your head.

You felt Bucky smirk as he kissed your skin. "No they we won't, at least for a little bit," he murmured. Bucky kissed back up to your lips and started to deepen the kiss when you felt eyes on you. You pulled away to see Natasha smirking at you over Bucky's shoulder.

" Oh please, don't stop on my account," she drawled. Bucky sighed and glanced over his shoulder before releasing you. You sheepishly moved past Natasha, dragging a glaring Bucky behind you.


What had innocently started as making brownies for the team had ended up with you sitting on the counter, kissing Bucky as he stood between your legs, both of you covered in flour. You moaned softly as Bucky deepened the kiss. However, you both froze when you heard a cabinet close. You turned to see Vision looking somewhat embarrassed as he held a small container.

"Apologizes. Wanda needed Cinnamon," he explained before phasing through the floor. Bucky and you looked at each other before bursting into laughter.


You hadn't meant to end up under Bucky. You knew he had been working out in the gym, and you had come up to check on him. You had brought a bottle of water over to him while he was doing pushups, and he had given you that bright smile that you had never been able to resist. You had leaned down to kiss him and well one thing lead to another. Things probably went further if you two hadn't heard a groan.

" Really? Is no room sacred?" Clint grumbled as he covered his eyes.

"Sorry, Clint," you called out at his retreating back. Clint continued to grumble as he walked away what sounded like "scarred for life" and" like horny teenagers".


You and Bucky touched your glasses of Champagne together before taking a sip. You chuckled as Bucky pulled you closer and kissed the side of your head before softly kissing your lips.

" Hey, hey, hey," Tony said as he came up to you two. "My party my rules, and no making out until after midnight," he told you. You laughed and nodded.

"I think we can manage that," you chuckled before kissing Bucky on the cheek.

" I make no promises, Stark," Bucky said with a smirk.

The team gathered in front of the windows to watch the ball drop and cheered when it was officially midnight.

"To a bright New Year," you whispered to Bucky.

" And to bright new beginnings," he whispered back before kissing you lovingly. It was the perfect start to the new year.

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