Chapter 2

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It was quite an adjustment once you thawed out. The world had gotten and bigger and busier in a hurry, but thankfully you had Steve. You both in the same boat, and he knew what you were going through. The other Avengers were helpful as well. Natasha helped you get use to the new fashions that you thought showed way too much skin. However, you had decided to embrace them with open arms. You had even dyed your hair (your favorite color) once after seeing a woman with pink hair. Tony, Howard's son, had helped you get to speed with the technology. He had gotten you a computer and a cell phone, and he had showed you how to use them. However, you spent very little time with Tony since he had deemed you and Steve "The Capsicle Crew". Steve and you had depended on each other to get use to this strange new world. You each had your own notebook where you would write things you didn't know about in, and then you would google them together. You had movie nights to also try to catch up. Sometimes, Natasha would even join you two.Tony had also offered you a job at Stark Industries. No matter what time it seemed, paper work stayed the same, and for that, you were thankful.


It was another boring day when you went on your lunch break. The tv at a local café was on when the fight started. Natasha and Steve were fighting some man with a metal arm. You watched with utter horror and wondered what had made Steve freeze. Once the news coverage cut off, you immediately started to call Steve's cellphone. You must have called a dozen of times, but they all went straight to voicemail.

"Dammit, Steve," you grumbled as you strolled into your apartment later that day. You flopped down on your couch and turned on the history channel before quickly falling asleep.

You were woken up by the ringing of your phone. You sleepily grabbed it and held it to your ear.

"Hello?" you mumbled.

"y/n," Steve's voice rang through the phone. You instantly sat up, more awake.

"Steve? Are you ok? Where are you?"

"I'm fine. I can't tell you where I'm at, but I'm safe." You breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened out there, Steve?"


"HYDRA? I thought they died out in the war."

"No, and there is something else you should know, n/n. They have Bucky."

"Bucky?" you gasped. You glanced down at your ring. It never left your finger.

"But he's not himself, y/n. He didn't even remember his name."

"But he's alive, right?" You heard Steve sigh.

"Yes, he's alive. Look, I have to go. Stay safe."

"Stay safe, Steve," you said before putting the phone down in the cradle. There was no way now you were going to be able to sleep.


It was a couple of days after the major fight at SHIELD HQ. You were overjoyed that Steve was alright, but you couldn't help but wish you knew where Bucky was.

As you got closer and closer to your apartment, you saw a tall figure with a baseball cap on.

"I have a stun gun," you called out as you got closer. The figure turned, and you almost fainted. "Bucky?" you called as you leaned against the wall for support. Bucky awkwardly stood there shifting his weight from one foot to the other. You ran at him and engulfed him in a hug. He flinched, but he didn't try to pull out of the hug or return it. "Are you alright?" you questioned as you grabbed his face and looked him over. He had several cuts and bruises, but he didn't look too bad.

I...I didn't know where to go. were in the pictures with him and me," he explained. You understood what he was trying to stay. You had been in some of the pictures at the Captain America exhibit, and he had found you.

"I understand. you know who I am? What my name is?" you asked shyly as you fiddled with your keys. Bucky shook his head, and your heart dropped. "Alright. Yeah. Ok, well come on in. Let me clean those cuts," you told him as you ushered him into your apartment.

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