Chapter 5

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Sometimes you loved that Tony was rich. Especially when he was able to practically rent out a good part of Central Park. Who even knew that was a thing? But you guessed many impossible things are possible when you're Tony Stark.

It had all started when you had brought up the idea of a picnic in Central Park to Steve. Before the war, you, Steve, and Bucky would take picnics whenever you could. You three would make a day out of it and call them your "mini vacations". It was the closest thing you guys could afford towards a vacation. Natasha heard you and Steve reminiscing and had brought up that she had never been on a picnic before. Agreement rippled throughout the team. It was then decided that the Avengers would go on a picnic in Central Park. The Fantastic Four and the X-Men had even contacted and had promised to take care of any crisis that should arise.

You were all enjoying the nice weather and food when Clint started to insist on a game of Cops and Robbers.

"What are we, 5?" Tony questioned.

"That mean you don't want to play?" Clint said.

Tony paused for a moment before saying, "I call being a robber."

"What is this Cops and Robbers game?" Thor questioned. You quickly explained the rules to Thor, Vision, and Wanda before everyone split into teams. The Robbers would be Clint, Tony, Bucky, Thor, and Wanda while the Cops were Steve, Natasha, Vision, Sam, and Bruce. You were quickly nominated as the thing to be stolen.

"Wait! Why do I have to be the stolen thing?" you asked, outraged.

"It makes the teams even," Steve answered.

"And we don't wish to harm you since you have not had proper training," Thor chimed in.

"And you're tiny," Tony added with a smirk. "Anyone would be able to carry you." With a huff, you accepted your position and sat down on the bench.

"Alright, I have the uniform for the robbers," Clint announced as he pulled out purple bandanas and black sunglasses for his team.

"What, you just carry this stuff around?" you teased Clint.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Clint responded with a wink. The robbers quickly placed their bandanas on except Bucky who seemed to be having some trouble. "Her, I got ya, man," Clint said as he pushed the sunglasses on Bucky's face and started to wrap the bandana around. Bucky froze before ripping the sunglasses off and knocking Clint to the ground. Bucky stared at Clint, almost as if he was not sure how he got there, before walking away quickly. Everyone rushed to make sure Clint was alright, but he just waved them off. "I'm a damn assassin, not a glass figurine." He looked over to you. "Go make sure he's ok," he told you. You nodded and picked up the bandana and glasses before taking off in Bucky's direction.

You found him a little ways away, sitting on a bench and taking deep breaths.

"Hey, are you alright?" you asked him as you sat down and rubbed his arm in a soothing manner.

"I'm sorry," Bucky murmured.

"Hey, Clint's ok. He's had worse hits. Everyone just wants to make sure that you're okay." Bucky sighed and ran his hand through his hair before rubbing the back of his neck.

"I just...I couldn't do that. When that stuff covered my face... I felt like I was back with HYDRA." You nodded and wrapped your arms around him as best as possible.

"Okay, so no things on your face. Got it. No worries," you comforted. You took the bandana out of your pocket and secured around his wrist. "There. Now you're still a part of the team." Bucky smiled at you. "But I'm keeping the sunglasses," you told him as you lead him back to the group.

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