Chapter 13

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You sat on the couch as you watched the Avengers play around with Miller and Daisy. You smiled softly.

"So, is that yours and Barnes's thing now? Giving each other dogs?" Tony asked as he sat down beside you.

"Shut up," you murmured but it held no bite to it. "It was sweet."

"And why a husky? Couldn't he have gone for something a bit smaller?"

"It's because they are made for cold climates," you explained with a small secretive smile. "But he probably could have gone smaller. I'm just thankful she's small for now so I have some time to find a new place."

"You're moving?" Tony asked as he placed his arm around your shoulders. You shrugged.

"It was already getting cramped with me, Bucky, and Miller. Now with Daisy, my apartment's too small. I've already starting looking at a couple of houses outside the city. I would love to stay in the city, but I just can't afford a bigger apartment. I don't know. Maybe I'll look at some places in Brooklyn."

"Well, I think you are missing the obvious choice," Tony said. You raised your eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Tony smiled and patted your leg.

"Follow me," he instructed. Wondering what Tony could possibly be talking about, you reluctantly followed him to the elevator.
After some persuasion from Tony, you now stood in the elevator with your eyes closed. You heard the elevator ding, and Tony slowly lead you out.

"Alright, you can open 'em now." You opened your eyes to find yourself in a quite spacious apartment. The far wall was completely glass with two hallway breaking off of the room. An open kitchen was to your right where you could see all the latest appliances. You walked further into the living room and circled around.

"I know it looks boring now, but you can decorate it how you like. It's got a few bedrooms and two bathrooms so you don't have to share with Robocop if you don't want to. And there's plenty of room for your furry love children to run about without breaking stuff. And the best part: it's free." You covered your mouth with your hand and shook your head. Finally, you found your voice.

"Thank you, Tony, but this is just too much." Tony shrugged that off.

"I had it made for Frosty when he finally joined the team. I would have given it to him already if I didn't think he would take off my head if I suggested he moved anywhere without you. And I'm quite attached to my head. Got my rugged good looks and my genius brain," Tony rambled. You chuckled at Tony before looking around the apartment again. "Just think about it, kay?" Tony asked. "Steve's the floor right above you, and I'm sure you can find a babysitter any time you and the One Arm Wonder wanted to have a night on the town or whatever you two do," Tony told you as he lead you back to the elevator. "Just talk it over with Barnes and let me know."
It was less than a week later that you gave Tony the answer that you would move into the apartment. He had simply smirked and nodded before walking away. However, Tony being Tony started to assault you with text messages asking about paint colors, flooring, furniture, etc. But that couldn't make a dent in the happiness of it all. You were happy to finally have a place that would be a mixture of you and Bucky. You two decided together on every decision. It made you think that this was what would have been if you and Bucky had gotten married and moved into your own house before the war.

Soon enough, the apartment was complete and all that was needed what for you to pack everything up and move in. Bucky and Steve did most of the packing while you were at work which made it go much quicker than if you had done it yourself. Before you knew it, everything was packed except the essentials.

A move in day was set. Of course on said moving day, an urgent mission popped up taking most of the team away. The only ones left were Tony, Sam, and Thor. With only minimal arguments ("This couch looks like it belongs in a grandma's house, y/n." "Tony, I AM old enough to be someone's grandma." "....I'm getting you new furniture."), all your furniture and boxes had been packed up into the moving van and unloaded at the Tower. However, when it finally came to unpacking, your group was called in for reinforcements on the mission, leaving you to unpack by yourself. You made a small dent in the boxes before calling it a night.
When Bucky entered the apartment that morning, the first thing he saw was boxes. You had seemed to try to organize them into piles, but you had gotten fed up and just started making stacks of them. Bucky looked at his watch and decided that he would surprise you with breakfast. After a few minutes of searching for everything he needed, Bucky started cooking.

He was just finishing the pancakes, when he heard the familiar sounds of nails on the wooden floor. Bucky smiled as the dogs circled him and licked his legs.

"Yes, I'm happy to see you heathens, too. Now, go lay down," Bucky instructed after feeding them both a small piece of bacon.

"Hey," Bucky heard you call behind him, sleep still thick in your throat. "I wasn't expecting you until this afternoon."

"We got down early, and I know you had to unpack by your-" Bucky's mouth could no longer form words as he turned to look at you. Your hair was tousled and you were trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes. But the main thing that Bucky could help but stare at was the only thing you were in: one of his shirts. It was one of his button up shirts that he wore on occasion that you always complimented him on. But Bucky now knew that it looked much better on you.

You looked sexy, and Bucky really only had one thought: mine - even though he knew that you weren't his. But there was a tightening in his chest, a sense of pride that it was his shirt you were wearing. That in a way, you were claiming yourself as his even in abstract way.

"Oh, sorry," you said after a minute of silence while Bucky tried to regroup his thoughts. "I hope you don't mind me borrowing one of your shirts. I couldn't seem to find my pajamas." Bucky snapped out of his stupor.

"Yeah, sure, no worries. You can borrow one of my shirts any time."

"Thanks," you murmured. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you for making breakfast. That was very thoughtful," you murmured as you looked up at him.

"You're welcome. Um...I'll got walk the dogs real quick," Bucky said as he moved away from you before he did something stupid. Like kiss you.

"You sure?" you asked. "Breakfast might be cold by the time you get back."

"I'll be fine. I can warm it up if it does. And then we'll finish unpacking, alright?"

"Sounds like a plan," you said as you smiled at him before gathering your breakfast on a plate. Bucky stole another glance at you before shaking his head and rounding up the dogs.

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