Chapter 14

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You walked into the communal kitchen to find Natasha and clint shouting numbers back and forth at each other.

"Do I even want to know what you two are arguing about?" you asked as you poured a cup of coffee.

"We're making a bet on how many magnets we can stick to Bucky's arm without getting caught," Natasha answered.

You snorted into your mug. "Really?"

"Hey, we can pull it off," Clint defended. "We were spies." You paused for a moment before smiling and extending your hand.


Clint was the first one to try. And failed miserably. He decided to try his luck while Bucky and Steve were working out on the machines while you and Natasha did yoga. The boys were talking when Clint snuck up and placed two magnets on. The clinking of the metal was easily heard. Bucky looked over at the sound to see Clint trying his best to look innocent.

"What are you doing over here?" Bucky asked with narrowed eyes. You couldn't really blame him for being suspicious. Clint rarely came over to this part of the gym when he favored the shooting range on the other side.

"Thought I would work out with you guys," Clint answered flashing a cheeky smile.

Bucky narrowed his eyes further before his eye caught the brightly colored plastic clinging to him. "Really man?" Bucky sighed before pulling the magnets off and throwing them across the room. Natasha and you couldn't contain your laughter. You both flopped down on your mats as you watched Clint hang his head and slump away.

Natasha was the next one to try. Unlike Clint, Natasha was quite successful. She waited until you and some of the Avengers were in a conversation. She would talk and touch his arm. When her hand would withdraw, a magnet would be left behind with Bucky none the wiser. She had about 15 to 20 magnets before Bucky walked away. It took him about 5 minutes to finally spot one with no clue how they all got there.

It was your turn only a couple of weeks later. Clint and Natasha walked into the kitchen while you sipped some tea. You smirked at both of them over your mug.

"I win," you told them.

"What?" Clint asked.

"I win," you simply answered before pointing over at the couch. Nat and Clint tip-toed over to see Bucky fast asleep with his arm almost completely covered in magnets. "He sleeps like the dead," you whispered before hopping off your stool. "Know your target," you said as you passed them. "Isn't that one of the first things they teach you in spy school?" You walked away to the shocked faces of Nat and Clint.

They both looked at each other as you walked away. "And what sucks is that when he wakes up and finds out, he won't even be mad at her!" Clint almost shouted.

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