Chapter 17

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After his outburst, Bucky was walking around on eggshells around you and the team. He was afraid that one of the Avengers would tell you what had happened, but all of them had been quiet even Tony. Which allowed Bucky to enjoy your holiday spirit. As far back as he could remember, you were like a child around Christmas, and you always over did with decorations. He remembered many years of you roping him and Steve into decorating the whole apartment. Except now you had a team of superheroes to help you, making the Tower look like a Christmas wonderland. This year had also been fun for him to see you excited about celebrating Hanukkah with Wanda. Back in the day, you, Steve, and Bucky knew about Hanukkah but the team had decided to celebrate it this year to make Wanda happy and you had loved every part of it. Yes, this was Bucky's favorite time of the year.

What you and Bucky didn't know was that the team had started plotting and scheming about how to get the two of you together now that Bucky had finally admitted his feelings for you. The plans had ranged from stranding you two on a private island (Tony's idea of course) to just simply shoving both of you into a closet. But in the end, the team didn't need to do anything.

You and Bucky were walking into the communal living room when the yelled at you.

"Kiss! Kiss," they chanted. You two looked above your heads to see a small sprig of mistletoe.

"You have to kiss," Clint shouted with a shit-eating grin.

"It's tradition! Look, I even had to kiss Cap," Tony pointed out. You and Bucky awkwardly looked at each other when you stood up on your tippy-toes and cupped his face before pecking him on the lips. It was only a quick press of your lips on his, but you relished it all the same. You shyly smiled at him as you pulled away before lowering yourself back down.

"There, no traditions broken," you told the team as you felt your cheeks heat up. You turned to leave when a strong arm held you back. Bucky pulled you back close to him. Before you could even think, Bucky's lips were back on yours. The kiss started off slow but quickly grew more and more passionate as you two memorized each other's mouths after so many years. You two only broke apart when you heard the cheers and wolf whistled of the team.

"Get a room," Tony shouted at you.

Bucky smirked. "You're right, Stark. Thanks for the rooms downstairs," he said before leading you to the elevator and pulling you in for another deep kiss.

You sat on the counter, swinging your feet back and forth with a small smile as you watched Bucky cook. It was quite early in the morning. You were dressed in a pair of tiny sleep shorts and one of Bucky's button-up shirts while Bucky was only in sweatpants.

Bucky looked up from the omelettes he was making to smile at you. "What are you thinking about?" he questioned.

"That you are too far away," you told him.

"Oh is that right?"

"Yes, because I can't kiss you." Bucky reaches up and turned the heat down before walking over and standing in-between your legs.

"Is this better?" he murmured with a smirk.

"Mmm, much," you told him before pulling him in for a kiss.

"I don't know what's worst: this or the sexual tension you use to have," Sam's voice rang out causing you to break the kiss. You buried your face into Bucky's chest while he turned his to greet Sam.

"We didn't have any eggs-" Bucky started but Sam just waved him off.

"Dude whatever. Glad you two are happy and finally realised that you love each other. Just finished up whatever this is before Tony crawls his way up here because you will never live it down," Sam said. He grabbed a bottle of water and left.

"He's right," you mumbled into Bucky's chest. "Tony would tease us about it forever."

"Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y," Bucky said.

"Yes, Sergeant Barnes?"

"Warn us when anyone makes their way to the kitchen."

"Yes, Sir."

Bucky pulled back and cupped your face. "Now, where were we?"

Early on Christmas morning, you and Bucky huddled around your tree to open presents. You two would join the team later, but for your first Christmas back together, you wanted to spend some time alone. You took turns opening presents from the team until the only presents left we're the ones you got each other.

"Here, open mine first," you said. Bucky tore the paper off to reveal a big leather book. He opened it to the first page to find a picture of you, Steve, and Bucky right before the war. He slowly flipped through the pages of pictures, Steve's sketches, and little mementos of your life before WWII (including sheet music for "You've Stepped Out of a Dream"). He flipped the page and suddenly the pictures were in color, when he came back to you. The last picture was that kiss shared under the mistletoe with the title "Finally Together Once More".

"Do you like it?" you asked shyly. "I just... and there are plenty of other pages to hold more pictures and things."

"It's beautiful. I love it," he whispered before giving you a soft kiss. "Thank you." You ducked your head at the praise. "Now open mine," he instructed.

You grabbed the tiny box and carefully opened it before gasping. "Are these...?" Bucky smiled and nodded.

"I finally got them back from the Smithsonian." He reaches in the box to pull out the dog tags and placed them around your neck. Tears sprang to your eyes as you examined them. It was Bucky's old tags but he also added on a copy of his new ones that he wore with the Avengers.

"Thank you," you whispered.

"I knew how much they meant to you," he whispered. "I know how much they meant to you," he explained. "And they should have gone to you anyways, but they are finally yours now." You smiled at him before looking at the dog tags once more.

Bucky cupped your cheek and pulled you in for a kiss when you heard a shutter sound. You pulled away to find Bucky looking down at his phone with a smirk.

"Think we should add it to the scrapbook?" You and Bucky were kissing in the photo with the Christmas lights twinkling behind you, the soft lights glinting off his arm and the dog tags around your neck. You instantly loved it.

"I think it's perfect," you told him before kissing him once more.

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