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"I want to learn to fight," you told Bucky one evening as you two cooked dinner. Bucky paused, the knife left in the air for a second before he gently laid it down.

"Has someone been giving you trouble, Doll?" Bucky asked as he dried off his hands, his eyes starting to narrow. You laughed and gently hit him on the arm.

"No one is bothering me. I just feel like I should learn how. Like some self-defense moves. Just in case something happens."

"Not going to happen," Bucky insisted with a frown. You smiled and patted his cheek.

"You can't always be by my side, big guy," I told him. Bucky huffed but finally relented.

"Alright. Stevie and I can teach you a few things. I guess it makes sense just in case," he grumbled. You rolled your eyes and pecked him on the lips.

"Thanks, Buck," you whispered. "Now, get back to chopping."

"Yes, ma'am," Bucky chuckled.

Of course, you should have known that training with two super-soldiers wasn't going to be easy. The two of them had decided to go beyond basic self-defense and prepare you for almost any scenario the two of them could think of. "Just in case," they always said. That led to your body feeling like jello after most of these training sessions with your whole body aching. The only plus side of that was Bucky was more than to give you a massage to relieve the ache. But after a few weeks, you were picking up the moves and your body wasn't aching as much after each session.

After a month of these sessions, you finally got to put your new skills to use. You, Wanda, Steve, and Bucky were all downtown at the MMA gym that Natasha had started frequenting. You were cheering, bouncing up and down alongside Wanda. Steve and Bucky had left to go drinks when a tall, wall of a man sauntered over and flashed you a smile.

"Hey, Cutie, can I get you a drink?" he asked you.

"No, thanks. I already have someone getting me a drink," you told him politely.

"You sure?" he asked as he moved closer to you.

"I'm fine, thank you," you said curtly.

"My boyfriend will be back in a minute."

The man made a show of looking around and smirking. "I don't see him right here."

"Please leave me alone. I'm not interested," you stated bluntly.

The man chuckled as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Oh, come on, Cutie, give me a chance. You-" Before he could finish that sentence, you had flipped so that he had landed hand on his back.

"I told you to leave me alone," I told the stranger with a glare. I turned to go find a security guard when I found Bucky and Steve staring at me, drinks in hand with the mouths hanging open. "I'll be right back. Don't let him leave," I told them before moving on to find a guard.

"Did she-?" Steve asked, still in shock.

"Uh huh," Bucky grunted as he watched you walk off. Binky glanced down at the drinks before looking back up in your direction. He quickly set the drinks down. "I'll be right back," he mumbled. "I gotta... I gotta," he murmured as he headed off in your direction to kiss the daylights out of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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