Chapter 16

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"Dude, you need to tell her, " Sam said, snapping Bucky out of his thoughts.


"You have been staring at that girl for 20 minutes now," Sam pointed out as he motioned to you. You, Natasha, and Wanda were doing each other's nails while gossiping. "You need to tell her about your crush so you can stop being a creepy stalker."

Bucky shook his head. "I don't know what you are talking about." Sam raised an eyebrow at him. Bucky huffed and gathered his stuff. "I'm going to work out," he announced, missing the way your eyes followed him.


"Alright, so I think we all know why we are here," Tony said to the team. "We have got to get Frosty and y/n together."

"They are just too stubborn," Natasha commented.

"Well, Barnes is still in denial," Clint pointed out. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"So what do we need to do to have him admit his true feelings for lady y/n?" Thor questioned. The team fell silent as they all tried to think of something. After a few second, Steve smiled.

"I think I know what we need to do."


You were working on some papers in the common room while Bucky sat next to you reading one of his books.

"Hey, Sugar," you heard next to you. You looked up and smiled.

"Hey, Sam. What can I do for you?"

"Did it hurt?"

You did a quick look over of yourself, confused. "What?"

"Did it hurt?" he repeated with a flirty smile. "When you fell from Heaven?" You laughed and slapped him lightly on the arm. You didn't see Bucky glower even after Sam left.


You were grabbing some coffee and chatting with some of the team when Thor ran over to you with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Lady y/n, these flowers can barely compare to your beauty," he said as he handed them to you. You blinked at him in shock.

"Um...that's very sweet, Thor. Thank you," you finally said. You didn't notice Bucky's huff before he left the room.


Bruce headed down to see Tony in one of the labs to make sure his arm was still in working order. He entered the elevator to find you following him.

"Where are you going?" Bucky questioned.

"Bruce asked me to come down. He wanted to show me some of the things that him and Tony have been working on," you explained. The elevator fell silent. Bucky fidgeted, an uneasy feeling coming upon him.

"What's up, Frosty?" Tony called without looking up once the doors had opened. Bucky grumbled under his breath causing you to giggle. Bruce and Tony's heads snapped up at the sound.

"Hey, y/n," Bruce greeted as he came and gave you a hug.

"Alright, dazzle me," you told him with a wide smile. Bruce place a hand on your back as he lead you around.

Bucky watched you and Bruce closely as Tony examined his arm. Normally, Bucky liked Bruce. He was quiet and respected everyone's personal space. But right now, all he could think of was how to rip his arm off. Bruce's arm laid on your lower back and never wavered. You didn't seem to mind as Bruce described in detail each invention while your full attention rested on his word. That arm held all his attention, that Bucky didn't hear a single word that Tony had been saying.

When Tony finished, he tapped lightly on Bucky's shoulder. He jumped and with one last look at Bruce's hand, stormed out. Tony smirked as he watched Bucky leave.


Bucky was lounging on the couch when he caught a glimpse of you coming out of your room. You were in a tight, simple black dress. You wore your favorite pair of dangling earrings and a long necklace with little silver circles. You hair was messy and looked like something Tony would have called 'sex hair'. Your lips were colored red that matched your high heels. It took all of his self-control not to spring off the couch and drag you back into your bedroom. He was about to ask where you were going dressed like that when there was a knock on the door.

"It's open," you shouted at it as you went to grab your clutch. Opening the door was Clint who whistled when he saw you, making you blush.

"The guys are going to have a hard time keeping their hands off of you. Good thing I won't have to."

"Charmer," you called with a smile. "Are Natasha and Steve downstairs?" Clint nodded. "We're all going out to a club tonight, so I'll see you later," you told Bucky before placing a kiss on his cheek and joining Clint. When you two had left, Bucky sighed and stared at the ceiling for a moment. With another sigh, he got up and grabbed his gym bag.


Bucky sighed as he entered the gym. The gym had become his place of refuge for the past couple of weeks. He didn't know what had gotten into him recently. He had been filled with such rage when any of the guys even looked at you any more. Bucky sighed again before freezing in his tracks. You were doing a handstand on your forearms. Steve was holding up your legs while trying to have you straighten out your back.

"What are you doing?" Bucky found himself saying.

"Hey, Bucky," you shouted while Steve waved at him.

"Nat's on a mission, so I'm helping y/n practice some yoga moves," Steve explained.

"I don't remember yoga involving so much touching," Bucky commented as he watched Steve help you into a new position where you balanced on one arm and one leg while the other arm and leg were extended in the air.

"Well, Nat and I were trying some of the more complicated moves, but I don't quite have the hang of it yet," you told him. "Steve is trying to make sure I do the moves correctly, and that I don't hurt myself." As each second passed, Bucky's vision grew redder.

"I think I'm going to go for a run instead," he growled when the urge to punch Steve almost became too much.


The final straw was when you and the team were having lunch one day, and Tony mentioned he had a problem with one of his designs. You offered to help him look it over. You two were hunched over a Starkpad when you pointed out a small flaw in one of the blueprints. Stark cupped your face and kissed you on the lips. It lasted less than a second, but it caused Bucky to see nothing but red. Steve and Sam held him back as you quickly excused yourself from the room to go wash your mouth out. Bucky continued to struggle until he broke free and took a swing at Stark. However, Tony was quick enough to dodge, and Steve grabbed Bucky's arm before he could take another punch.

"You stay away from her," Bucky growled. He tugged himself out of Steve's grasp. "You all stay away from her."

"Why?" Sam questioned to Bucky's retreating back.

Bucky spun back around. "I love her okay! I love her, so I want you all to stop flirting with my girl," he yelled before finally leaving.

"Mission accomplished," Steve said to the team with a smirk.

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