Chapter 3

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Bucky had been living with you for a couple of months without much change. He was getting better and adapting to the new world, but he hadn't been able to remember much of his old life. It was frustrating for you, but you were simply content to have him back in your life. Since Bucky's return, the Avengers had started weekly family dinner and game nights that you and Bucky were invited to. It was nice to be surrounded by friends and people you considered to be family. Plus, it was nice not to be the only one cooking since Bucky and Steve were hopeless in a kitchen.

You were finishing washing the dishes when Steve cornered you.

"So, I was talking to Bucky to see what he remembered..."

"And? Steve, Honey, I live with him."

"When are you going to tell him that you're his fiancée?" You spun around and glared at him.

"Now is not the time, Steve."

"You have to tell him," Steve insisted.

"Oh, yeah, cause that would go over well. 'Hey, Bucky? I know you don't remember, but you know the ring around my neck? Yeah, you used it to propose to me, now what do you think about a spring wedding?' That would go over well," you spat at him, your voice dripping in sarcasm. Steve stared at you for a moment before sighing.

"Fine. I'll tell him."

"Steven Grant Rogers! You will do no such thing," you yelled.

Steve opened his mouth to retort when Tony shouted, "Steve, y/n, get your butts in here or we're starting without you."

Steve and you glared at each other before Steve murmured, "Later." You huffed before grabbing a couple of drinks and heading into the living room.

"So, Tony, what're we playing?"

"We are playing a video game," Tony announced. "You do know how to play those, right, Grandma?" he teased. You threw a bottle of water at his head.

"Yes, Smartass, I know how to play. Which ones?" You moved to stand behind Bucky and placed a hand on his shoulder when the menu screen for some war game came up, and a gunshot rang out. Before you knew it, you were thrown into the glass coffee table and then thrown into a wall. You tried to catch your breath as the rest of the Avengers tried to get Bucky under control while Clint rushed to you while he was on the phone calling 911.


Several hours later, you were back at the Tower after your trip to the ER. Everyone had decided that it would be better for you to stay the night. You were walking to your room for the night when you stopped in front of the door across the hall. With a sigh, you pushed open the door enough to see Bucky perched at the end of the bed with his head in his hands.

"Hey, Buck," you called. Bucky jumped before staring at you and freezing. "Can I come in?" He nodded. You slowly walked over and sat next to Bucky. He stiffened as if preparing for a blow. "Are you alright?" That apparently set Bucky off.

"Am I okay? Am I okay? You're the one who got thrown into a coffee table and and a wall. I'm the one who should be asking you if you're okay!" Bucky had gotten up and started pacing as he shouted. You calmly stood up and cupped his face.

"It's okay. I'm still alive. I'm still breathing. Stop trying to pretend you're okay." Bucky visible relaxed.

"I want to be okay."

"I know you do, but it takes time. Do you know how long it took for Steve to stop having nightmares or for him to stop freaking out when he touched cold water? Do you know how long it took for me to stop screaming at night because I thought I was drowning again when Stark froze me? These things take time. Stop fighting it." Bucky sighed and wrapped you in his arms for a hug when you hissed in pain. Bucky immediately froze and took a step back.

"It's alright," you comforted. "I just have a broken rib and some stitches. I've had worse."

"Yeah, like the time you fell down the stairs," Bucky said with a smile before his eyes went big. "And...I had to carry you practically everywhere. I remember that."

"See?" you told him with a smile. "It just takes time." Bucky returned your smile before pulling you in for a gentle hug.

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