Chapter 4 Ruined

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Running through the woods, Mapleshade led her kits to the river. Raindrops splattered on Patchkit's fur as he saw the forest for the second and final time.

When the cats got to the stepping stones, Mapleshade rushed her kits ahead of her, to see that they might get across before her, and safely. "Mama I'm scared" whimpered Petalkit. Patchkit saw his mother's ears flick upstream. He heard a rumbling and the slick stones seemed to vanish under his paws. "Flood!" Mapleshade cried. They were in the middle of the stepping stones and couldn't go back, Thunderclan would surely kill them.

Heartbeats later, a huge wave of water from upriver engulfed the cats. "Mama help!" He heard Petalkit screech. Larchkit shrieked, but was pulled beneath the water.

The last thing Patchkit saw was Mapleshade's scared face as she reached out for him.

Patchkit, Son of MapleshadeWhere stories live. Discover now