290 12 4

Okay wow. Over 1.3k reads on this ?!?1!??!1?

Actually I wrote this story over the summer and it was terrible but I loved Mapleshade's Vengeance and I was bored so this happened.

I just want to say thank you to you people that have actually read this because I seriously didn't think anyone would. I mean now that I realize it the allegiances aren't even finished.

Cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe.

YoU aRe AlL fAbUlOuS
I'm extremely awkward at this type of thing

I should be editing the allegiances soon because seriously I was procrastinating that for a while.

Llamas are also fabulous don't forget them. ^-^
- Shadowstar
I hate my real name and I'm too lazy to think of a good one.

Patchkit, Son of MapleshadeWhere stories live. Discover now