Chapter 7- The Kit Alliance

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Patchkit looked at the two toms in front of him. The brown one spoke first. " hello" He meowed. "I'm Oakpaw and this is Redpaw" The ginger Tom waved his tail in greeting. "Hi" He mewed.

"Redpaw, explain the kit alliance." Meowed Bouncepaw. "Well" Started Redpaw. "It's me, Bouncepaw, Oakpaw, Moonkit, and Skykit. We're the only cats in Starclan who know that a Great Battle will come eventually , and for some reason, the other cats won't believe us when we tell them about it." Redpaw shrugged. "Want to join? We're also a group of kits who believe in peace and equality in the clans." Added Oakpaw.

"Okay" Patchkit agreed uncertainly. "But who in Skyclan are Moonkit and Skykit?"

Two kits, looking only about 3 moons old, bounded over. One was night-black with a fuzzy tail, the next was grey, almost blue looking. "You mean us?" Asked the black kit.

Patchkit nodded slowly. "I think." The blue-gray kit twitched her ears. "Great" She mumbled. "Sorry about Skykit" The smaller kit mewed. "She's very grumpy today." Patchkit saw Redpaw and Skykit talking, Oakpaw growling a little. Bouncepaw came over to them. "Patchkit, meet Moonkit." She meowed.

When Redpaw, Oakpaw, and Skykit stopped talking, Bouncepaw leaped onto a rock. "I think Patchkit should get to go to the stone of Quiet Rain." She meowed. It was easy to tell that the stone was important, because Oakpaw immediately stopped growling. The older kit exchanged glances with Redpaw. "What do you think?" Oakpaw asked him.


Patchkit followed Redpaw and Bouncepaw, attempting to keep up. He tripped on a sorrel plant though, and crashed into a holly bush, hissing. Redpaw and Bouncepaw purred in amusement.

The cats stopped under four trees, looking the rock in the center. "The stone of Quiet Rain." Meowed Oakpaw in awe. "I find it so peaceful."

"Just touch your nose to the stone already" Skykit's tail twitched impatiently.

Walking up to the great rock, Patchkit looked around, nervous. Too late. He stretched his neck, and touched the stone.


Skyclan is used in "Who in Skyclan are Moonkit and Skykit?" Because even to the kits at their time, Skyclan is a legend, though it would have been a few generations of cats since Skyclan left, the real history of Skyclan was disowned by the clans who had chased Skyclan away. Also, the kits are in Starclan already so saying "who in Starclan are they" makes almost no sense.

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