Chapter 9- Warning

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"Patchkit!" Redpaw screeched. "I tried to meow to get you out of your dream, but you kept struggling and so I had to claw you to get you awake. Sorry if it hurt, but the Stone can keep you dreaming for days, and that's dangerous!"

Struggling to his paws, Patchkit looked around. "A battle, and snow! And death and claws and every cat thinner than a mouse in Leafbare!" He circled around, frightened.

"Patchkit calm down." Meowed Moonkit. "That's what I saw in my dream. That's what was in all of our dreams" Patchkit was still nervous though. "Will it really happen?"

"Well yeah. How do you think Starclan cats get prophecies? We stalk cat's lives, make up some confusing verse to give them, and say that they're important?" Skykit laughed.

"This isn't funny" Growled Oakpaw. "We all had the same dream, and its not a good one. Evil will strike the clans soon enough, and the Dark Forest will rise. "A cruel bunch of cats died recently to a monster. Snowtuft and Silverhawk. They could end up being Dark Forest cats, which will be a threat to the clans."

Patchkit, Son of MapleshadeWhere stories live. Discover now