Chapter 11- A Prophecy

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Patchkit went to find his littermates. He walked through the forest of oak trees, watching the birds fly past. "Petalkit?" He called, and he stepped on a bramble. "Foxdung!" He hissed under his breath.

Hearing a thud, Patchkit saw an apprentice-aged shecat behind him."Looking for your sister?" She asked, her eyes gleaming, practically taunting him. 

"I'm fine, thank you" He meowed. 

"Oh but please, I know where she is" The cat replied.

"Swiftpaw get back here!," A cat's voice called through the trees. A honey-colored shecat bounded into the clearing.

 "I was TRYING to help him find his sister" Swiftpaw retorted.

 Patchkit watched the two cats. "And what is your sister's name?" The honey-colored cat asked.

"Petalkit" He meowed. 

The she-cat perked her ears. "Last time I saw her, she was with Reedtail, by the river." 

Patchkit meowed his thanks and ran off to find Petalkit.

Jumping over the Starclan Sunnningrocks, he dashed to the river. Patchkit would rather swim than use the stepping stones. He plunged into the river. It was cold, but there wasn't a current and he could swim easily.

Looking around the bank, Patchkit saw his sister.She was crouched on a rise in the ground  so she could fish easier. He saw her dart a paw in the water and hook a minnow with her claw.

 "Hi Patchkit" She meowed. Setting the minnow down, she walked over to him. "What is it?" 

"Can you find Larchkit? I'l explain later." He asked. 

"Sure" Petalkit sighed. "I'l meet you here when I've found him."

Patchkit greeted his littermates. "What's up?" Larchkit asked in his cool, relaxed tone.

"I think that a war might come to the normal clans" He meowed. "In a while. But those cats are out there. The dead ones in a Forest if shadows. a Dark Forest if you must call it that. Evil will rise, and the clans might fall."

Patchkit, Son of MapleshadeWhere stories live. Discover now