Chapter 8- Dreaming *SPOILERS*

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Patchkit shook out his fur. A black tom passed him, icy blue eyes glowing. He snarled. The shadows rose. Cats rose behind the tom, but cats also rose as if they were against him. A dark tabby tom circled the black cat, who was only half of his size. Cat silhouettes fought across the dark clearing, but all stopped for a moment.

The tabby dead, it looked like three days had passed. Cats were lined up, snarling at opposing sides. A ginger tom led the ones closer to the forest. The black tom growled, and fighting broke out again. Patchkit saw the ginger tom fight with the black tom.

Before the battle faded to darkness, Patchkit saw the ginger tom break free of his enemy's claws. He stood victorious as the other lay dead. Cats screeched and the ones that had filled the black cat retreated. The light faded.

Snowflakes covered the huge band of cats. The ginger tom, a speckled shecat, a white tom with black paws, and a black tom with a white underbelly led the group. Every cat looked thin, even the kits' ribs were showing. The long line of cats paraded through the mountains, and a sharp pain woke Patchkit with a start.

Patchkit, Son of MapleshadeWhere stories live. Discover now