Chapter 10 ~ Cold

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Your p.o.v

"I just ... Don't like you that much anymore.." Jack said, sounding sad "Whatever then!" I yelled and stormed out. I couldn't believe him... I saved his life and he did that to me?! Shade stared at me "Stop staring" I hissed and shoved her, she wasn't bothered by it. Her white eyes stared into my golden ones "What's wrong with you?~" she asked sweetly, but coldly. "jack.." I hissed "Hah... Broken hearted are you?~" she asked mockingly "Nothing can break me." I stated confidently.

Shade p.o.v

Hah.. "3...2...1.." Y/n fell to her knees sobbing "Okay.. He can break me" she cried. If I cared enough I would pity her, but I didn't care enough to do that. I turned and walked off. "Oh so you're just gonna go?" Asked y/n, I turned and looked at her "Well. What do you expect me to do?" I asked, I didn't know what she wanted me to do.. I would prefer not to do anything. "I..i don't even know.." She whispered "I'll just leave you to your...uh..crying I guess" I walked off, she didnt try and stop me this time.

I bumped into golden on the way to the back room. "Sorry!" He said quickly. "Its alright. Don't worry about it" I smiled and he blushed slightly. "someone's blushing" I teased and his face went redder. I smirked and walked to the back room. Golden followed, making up some excuse that he needed a suit. "Suuuure you do~" I chuckled and he huffed "Fine.. I don't need anything.." He admitted and I grinned. "Wanted to spend more time with me?~" I joked "Yeah, actually" he smiled "Wow, I wasn't serious but alright." He had a confused expression as I said that.

"Jack!" We heard y/n yell. I raised an eyebrow "They made up that quickly?" Asked golden "What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "I think you know what I mean..." Golden grinned and I shuddered. "Ew. I hope you aren't serious on that one.." I whispered "Yep.." Said Goldie and my eyes widened.

~I cant believe I have to write stuff like this~

Goldie, spring and me walked down the hall. "Guys, we have to pass the closet to get to the kitchen.." Said Goldie, and shivered. "Oh hell naw, cant you teleport?" Asked spring and golden shook his head, "Still tired." He said sadly. They both looked at me "Don't ask me, I hit my head when y/n shoved me, I cant think straight let alone teleport" I said, why did she have to make me hit my head... Jeez..

"Okay.. Lets just be quick" said Goldie and we walked on. "You know spring will stop and listen, he's the kind of guy who would do that" I chuckled at Goldie's comment. "Yeah" I agreed and spring looked at the floor "I dare you to" said Goldie to spring. "Ugh no" he hissed "I dare you~" I whispered in his ear and he blushed. "Ugh, fine only because you asked me to.." He growled and I clapped "Yay!" Yelled Goldie "Shush!" Hissed spring. "You have to wait for me though." He said stubbornly. We just nodded. Me and Goldie ran past and waited at the corner.

~You know I have to do spring p.o.v for this dare, you would probably hate me otherwise~

Spring p.o.v

I stood in the hall outside the door, Goldie and Shade stood at the corner, watching me. I heard them inside (•-•) "J-j-j-jack!" I heard y/n half cry half moan. "Harder!" She yelled and I shuddered "SPRING STOP LISTENING AT THE DOOR YOU PERV!!" Yelled shade so they could hear, I ran out and so did Goldie and Shade. The opposite way

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