Chapter 24 ~ Clover

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quick a/n: Oc clover made by my friend emily ;)

Violet p.o.v

i heard an odd noise coming from somewhere down the hallway. I didn't know what it was but didnt feel like getting up to check it out. I heard voices and the sound of metal beong dragged against tiles and it made me cringe. "Okay, activate it and lets get out of here" one voice spoke. I heard a click and the sound of retreating footsteps.

that soon followed by heavier footsteps but they came to the room i was in. I heard the door open and looked up. Stood in front of me was a cat animatronic. It had white and lime green fur, blue eyes and looked generally cheerful.

it looked directly at me and spoke, and the voice i recognised all too well "Do you remember me..." Shade's voice spoke coldly. Was it her or was she controlling it... "No it's me.." She growled. I froze and backed away "I don't forget...violet..." She grinned and turned human. It was the same old shade, no relevance to the cat animatronic before.

"And call me Clover, at least when i am in animatronic form~" she smirked at me but there was a cold hostility in her eyes that i could only describe as terrifying. It made my blood run cold, literally. I shivered "Scared Violet?" Shade cooed menacingly "Guess you didn't think i would come back~" i couldn't speak, the fear almost silenced me...

"You're lucky you mean something to that springtrap.. If you didn't i would rip you in half.." Shade turned and walked out turning into her animatronic form as she did so.

i sat in the corner. I had never expected this to happen. It had all gone so well... Until she came back, i should've known she would she always overpowers me..always. I guess i can't get rid of her even if i tried. "Lucky.." I replayed her words over and over in my head "How am i lucky.. She'll probably end up killing me anyway once she realises that she can beat spring too"

this was gonna be interesting. The door opened again and y/n walked in "Hi did you see the new animatronic clover? She is so nice and funny! And her human form is pretty, how can someone actually rock green and white hair? I dont know but she does.." I didn't bother arguing back. I guess i was the only one who saw her as shade, who heard her as shade...

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