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Sienna carried her duffel bag to the living room, where her whole family was waiting for her, to say goodbye.

"Well, I think I'm ready to go now! Once again, mom, the turkey yesterday was great! Too bad I won't be here for Christmas!
Oh and dad, don't forget to fix that defective chair, I almost fell down yesterday!" she exclaimed and her mom put her in a quick hug, her dad nodded.

"Omg... Noooo... Don't go! You SO have to take this quiz too!" her 14 year old sister shouted from the couch, as she tapped on the screen of her smartphone.

"Really?! I don't have time for another one of your quizzes... I have to go, I don't wanna end up losing my flight.."

"Yeah, yeah! Your sister has to go.. She's right!" their mother agreed.

"OMG.." the young girl shouted.

"What happened Riley?" their father asked.

"So, the name of the quiz is 'Which celebrity will attend your Christmas dinner'.... And my result is Harry Styles...! You all know I LOVE HIM.. But here comes the best part, it turns out it's actually a competition.. You send your result and your info to the site and then there's a lottery selection process.... So if I'm lucky enough, I'll win...
And then I'll let you all meet my future husband.." Riley freaked out.

"Good luck with that honey.." their mother said in a sarcastic way and they all sighed loudly.

"You all have zero faith!!! You're not optimistic at all... But my positive vibe will make it happen!" she crossed her fingers.

"Yeah okay... I'll make sure to save some money so I can get a gown.. You might get married soon.. We never know.." Sienna joked and her father picked up the bag to take it to his car.

"Keep making fun of me... I'll show y'all.." her sister flipped her hair.
"Now come take the quiz.. You're not leaving unless you take it.."

"Ugh.. Fine.. Give me the phone.." she rolled her eyes and Riley handed it to her.

She started checking her answers to the questions and then when she finally went through the whole quiz, she handed the phone back to her sister.

"Well... Bye kid!" she messed her sister's hair up and walked to the front door.

"It's calculating..... Don't you want to know the result????" Riley shouted in shock.

"Byyyyeeee!" Sienna shouted back and walked out.

"It's Timothée Chalamet!" Riley mumbled to herself when the result finally popped up.


"Ugh... I can't believe you're leaving me again... We could throw da best Christmas party..." Nevaeh groaned as she walked around the mall with her friend Sienna.

"You can always come with me... Evan decided to join me!" Sienna said as she kept looking around, trying to find some small gifts for her family.

"Really? So it's getting serious!!!? He's going to meet your family!!!" her friend furrowed her brows.

"No... It's not like we're getting engaged any time soon, or something... But he keeps saying he wants to meet my parents.. So here we go, we'll surprise them.."

"Oh girl, I don't mean to make you nervous, but I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.. These things scare me.. It's going to be awkward.."

"I know! I'll introduce him as my boyfriend and they'll immediately picture him naked in my bed, moaning... It's like, when you know two people date you're sure they do it all the time.. And that's a weird thing to think about..." Sienna spoke fastly.

"I can't believe you just said that!" Nevaeh laughed loudly.

"C'mon.. Stop laughing.. You know I'm right.." she groaned as she put a perfume box in her shopping basket.

"Not everyone has a dirty mind.."

"Haaa... You're not the right person to say that.."

"True.. And that's why I have to decline your offer.. I'll stay here and get laid as much as possible. I ain't paying for a Brazilian wax for no reason, I'm telling ya.."

"Lucky boys!!!" Sienna laughed.

"Maybe lucky girls too.. Who knows!"

"Sounds like you're planning on having some serious fun...!! No sex for me while I'm in Seattle..." she put a make up bag full of brushes in her basket.

"Oh no... Having sex in your old room is fun.. Ya have to try this... Don't be boring!!!!"

"No way! I don't think Evan and I even fit in my old bed.. He's probably going to sleep on a mattress on the floor, or something..."

"That's great.. The mattress won't make noise..."

"But I'd make noise... It's not going to happen... I don't want my parents to think of me naked on top of Evan.. As I don't wanna imagine them naked in bed together."

"You have a point.." Nevaeh wrinkled her nose.

"Now let's just get over with the gift shopping! I have to pack and get ready for my flight tomorrow.."


Sienna walked back and forth in the airport and sighed loudly.
"I can't believe this... We're going to miss the Christmas dinner and the surprise will be ruined..."

"Well.. We should have left a few days earlier... Did we really have to travel all the way to Seattle a couple of hours before Christmas Eve??" Evan shaked his head as he stared at the announcements board and realized that their flight was already delayed for over two hours.

"It wouldn't feel like a surprise anymore.. Also, I had things to do.. It's not like I control the weather, I didn't know this was going to happen..."

"What things? Paint another painting??"

"Exactly... I finally started selling some paintings. I had to finish a couple of them and ship them, some people are going to gift these to their family or friends for Christmas, I couldn't let them down."

"I've told you a hundred times, you should come work to my family's law firm, as a secretary.. You don't have to paint."

"What do you mean by 'I don't have to paint..'? You know I like painting.. Doing what you love is the most important thing, enjoying your job is all that matters." Sienna finally sat on the seat beside her boyfriend's.

"Yes.. But the law firm will give you more money! And let's be honest, having money is important...
No more stress, no more skimping and no more economy class!" he showed her his ticket.

"You hate the fact you have to travel in economy class too, don't you?..
I'm sorry, that's the only ticket I can afford at the moment.." Sienna bit her lip.

"It's okay...... I'll make sure you get a better job and make more money soon. Maybe move out from the apartment you live with Nevaeh and move in with me instead.. You won't have to pay rent." he fixed the shiny watch on his wrist. She turned her head to the side and discreetly rolled her eyes.

MERRY TIM-MAS ~ Timothée Chalamet ✓ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant