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"Hi sis!" Riley's voice echoed through the speaker.

"Um... What happened? Did the ghost of Christmas make you call me or something??? That's a first.."

"NOOOO.... I just wanted to talk to my sister... Is this so weird?!"

"Kind of..."

"So where are you?"

"I'm out, going to get some tea! Why are you asking?"

"I just wanted to know you're well! Where are you going to get your tea from?"

"You're literally so weird.."

"Why don't you just go back to the choir???"

"How do you know about the choir? This is so creepy!"

"I just saw Nevaeh's post, sillyyyy! Please go back there!!!"


"Uuuuummmm.... Just go?"

"No... Why?"

"Can I ask Nevaeh something? Pass her your phone please!"

"What the hell..." Sienna rolled her eyes and covered the microphone of her phone with her hand.
"She wants to speak to you... I have no idea why!"

"Okay.. Gimme the phone!" her friend exclaimed.
"Hey there Riley?!" she spoke to the young girl.

"Take Sienna back to the spot the choir is please! Trust me and do it!" the girl begged.

"Okay.. Bye Riley!" Nevaeh hung up.
"Let's go.." she made her friend turn around.

"What's going on? Why are you taking me back there???"

"I don't know... Let's just find out why she wants ya to go there.." she shrugged and almost dragged her friend back to their previous location.

"So what now???" Sienna questioned as they stood in front of the choir.
A random person with a reindeer plush head mask on, nuzzled up against Sienna's shoulder and she looked at them confused.

"Who the fuck is this?" Nevaeh questioned.

"I have no freaking idea.. They're creeping me out.. Let's go.." Sienna backed away.

"It's me, Voldemort..." the person tried to shout through the mask.

"And I'm Dumbledore... Who are you?" Sienna asked.

"Thought you were a smart girl... I'm wearing a reindeer mask in public... Why am I wearing it?"

"Because it's Christmas and you wanna be jolly???"

"Why am I wearing this mask???"

"How am I supposed to know?! Because you're crazy?"

"Sien, why am I wearing the head mask...?"

"Because you don't want to be seen?!"

MERRY TIM-MAS ~ Timothée Chalamet ✓ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن