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"Sien, can you please, please, please go to my apartment? I need help, I want you to get some stuff from there and ship them to me asap.." Timothée asked the girl through the phone.

"Okay!!! Are you in a hurry?"

"Yes.. The quickest you ship them, the faster I'll get em. Sooo pleeeease!" he playfully said.

"Okay! I'll take care of it hun!"

"Thanks! You're the best.. I'm so sad I can't be there to celebrate Christmas Eve with you tonight... We had so much fun last year.. Remember?" he sweetly spoke and made the girl smile.

"Yes... It was great!!! But it's okay.. I'll patiently wait for you to finish with the film and come back to me.. I just want to hug you!"

"Yes.. You have no idea how badly I wanna hug you! I've missed you so much.."

"Me too... But, shhh... I don't wanna think about it.. It'll make me cry!
I'm going to your apartment now, okay cutie?"

"Oh! Yes please! And never cry, okay?! I'll be there soon!" he softly said and sent shivers down her spine.

"Aha! I'll call you when I arrive, so you can tell me what you want me to get!"

"Awesome! Thanks beautiful! Lots of kisses!"

"Mwah!" she exclaimed and hung up.
She quickly went to her room, put on a pair of shoes and a warm jacket, put her stuff in her pockets and left her apartment.
There it was again, that time of the year.. The time when everything looked festive and extra beautiful, people seemed happier, friendlier and kinder.


When she finally arrived to the building Timothée's apartment was in, the doorman spotted her and opened the door for her.

"Hello miss Sienna!" he politely said and she greeted him back.
She quickly made it to the elevator and went up, until she reached to the right floor.
She unlocked Timothée's front door and stepped inside. She turned on the lights and immediately widened her eyes.

"OMG! TIMMY!!!!!!" she shouted when she saw the boy sitting on his couch and smiling big.

"SURPRISE!!!!" he exclaimed in the same tone and quickly got up to hug her.
"Did you really think I was going to celebrate Christmas away from you???" he squeezed her in his arms.

"Omg.... I don't know... I-... TIM....!" she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Baby... I desperately wanted to see you... So I flew here for a couple of days.. We'll celebrate together!"

"I have no idea how you do it... It's so cold outside, but I feel warmer than ever!" she pouted.

"Don't cry!!!!" he kissed her cheek.

"No... No.. I swear, I'm just so happy you're here!"

"So am I! But.. I have more surprises for you!" he smiled.


"Yes! Come on!" he held her hand and led her to the bedroom.
"Isn't this the definition of perfect Christmas?" he asked as he turned on the fairy lights around the windows, and they shined brightly.
"Warm blankets, a book I'll read to you later.. And of course....."
he walked to the serving trolley and picked up a plate.
"Chocolate-dipped strawberries and champagne!" he chuckled.

"Woah... What about the condoms boo?" Sienna joked.

"Got it all covered!" he laughed.

"Great, let's start our Christmas Eve party then!" she started taking off her clothes and he instantly did the same.

"Come to bed already!" he quickly jumped in the bed and she followed his lead. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer.
"One year ago today, I met you for the first time.. Little did I know I'd fall for you so hard! And right now that I'm holding you in my arms, I feel like I'm the happiest person on this planet. I prolly am!"

"You are the happiest you've ever been? Like right now?" Sienna asked.

"Oh no, no, no.. I forgot.
I was the happiest I've ever been, like 3 months ago, when we did it in your old bedroom." he joked.

"Don't even remind me of that... I'll never visit my family house and take you with me again!" she laughed.

"Nooo.. Come on, you have to admit that was a great moment of ours.. You were trying so hard not to moan and make noise.. So adorable!" he teased her.


"But I've already told you.. There's nothing to be embarrassed about.. Making love is art.. And we're the artists!" he lowered his hands to her hips and softly kissed her neck repeatedly.

"Mmmm... Okay! You're my favorite artist then.."

"You're mine too. You're the cutest, most shy, yet sexiest artist. And guess what..."


"We can create art in my old bed as well.. Really soon... Cause my family invited us to celebrate the New Year's Eve together!" he chuckled.

"Really?! There's no way you and I will have sex, while your family is there!" she playfully groaned.

"Okay then, you're doing it with Lil Timmy Tim instead???" he joked.


"I'm kidding!!!! I'll never try to make you feel uncomfortably, you know that... We always do things spontaneously, and that's how I want it to stay!" he sat up in bed and she did the same.

"I know! You're the best, Chalamet!" she smiled at him.

"Mmmm.. Want a strawberry?" he sweetly asked.

"I'd prefer a cream-filled peach by you... But strawberries sound good too..." she joked.

"Oh yeah? You'd eat that peach baby?" he laughed loudly.

"You should try and find out someday!" she teased him.

"Oh God... You're unbelievable! Just get your strawberry girl!" he chuckled and fed her a strawberry.

"And you, get yours.." she fed him one back.

"This is good!" he licked his lip.
Then he poured some champagne in two tall glasses and handed one to the girl.
They gently clinked their glasses and stared at each other.
"Um... So while I was sitting on the couch, waiting for you to arrive here, I was thinking of how I want this to become an everyday thing.. I know you stay here most of the nights when I'm in town, but maybe you can move in for real... Think about it." he scratched his nape and took a sip of champagne.

"What...? Timothée.... Don't you think it's a little too early for that?" she asked in shock.

"It's not too early if it feels right. I mean, my friends like you, even my fans like you and of course I like you... It is right." he shrugged.

"Gosh... I'm really gonna have to think about it...!!!" she drank from her glass.

"Take your time! No pressure! This side of the bed is always free for you!" he pointed at the bed side she was lying on.

"It better be." she playfully raised her eyebrow.

"Duh.. It belongs to my baby!"

"Do you know what else belongs to your baby?" she sneakily smiled.


"This..." she touched him under the blankets.

"Oh God... Let's put these glasses away...." he breathed heavily as he placed both glasses back on the serving trolley.

"Merry Christmas, baby.." she quietly said, as she got really close to him.

"Merry Christmas, love!" he whispered and passionately kissed her on the lips, as their warm bodies collided in the dimly lit room.


MERRY TIM-MAS ~ Timothée Chalamet ✓ Where stories live. Discover now