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"What happened?" Riley asked when they walked in.
Evan instantly looked at them and gave Sienna a disapproving look.

"Omg!! What happened to your clothes darling?" Harper approached them.

"I just fell..?!.." Timothée replied.

"Go sit by the fireplace... Sienna come with me please!" her mother exclaimed and she nodded. She followed her to the kitchen.

"What a disaster... He needs some dry clothes.. Do you think Evan has some clothes that he could borrow him?"

"I don't think Evan is going to like that.. It already seems like he dislikes Timothée... I don't really wanna ask him to do that.."

"Ugh.. Of course...."


"Anyway... I'll look through your father's clothes.." Harper whispered and her daughter shrugged.


"Hey, Timothée honey... I found these, you can wear them, so you can be dry and warm!" the woman came in the living room with a pair of sweatpants and an athletic matching zip-up hoodie.

"Really? You are so polite Mrs Adams... I'll be okay though.."

"I insist... We don't want you to get sick! You'll be better in some dry clothes!"

"Okay, okay! Since you insist.. Thank you very much..!" Timothée took the clothes in his hands and Harper showed him to the guest room, then she went back to the living room.

"So apparently the battery of the car died due to the cold snow..." Dan and the bodyguard walked in.

"And now? Should we call you a taxi?" Sienna asked the big man.

"I will probably drive them to the hotel.. Not a big deal!" her father exclaimed.

"Or you can stay here.. Our house is big enough for everyone! The snowstorm is getting worse.. It'll be hard to drive with all of this snow.." Harper said.

"Timothée is the one who makes the decisions ma'am... I don't mean to be rude, but it's probably safer for him to sleep at the hotel." the bodyguard spoke.

"Sienna, love.. Can you go ask him for me please?"

"Fine.." the girl shrugged and went to the guest room. She knocked on the door and Timothée gave her permission to enter the room.

"Oh, hey!" he said in her dad's buggy clothes.

"Ummm..." she looked at him up and down.

"Yeah, I guess I'm daddy now!" he joked, she gulped.

"Uuuummm.... So the battery of the car died.. My mom wants me to ask you if you want to stay here for the night?.. That's such a silly idea... I know... But she-"

"No! That's actually a great idea! That's so nice of her! So hospitable and thoughtful!!!" he excitedly said. The truth was he only wanted to stay for the girl.

"Really? You wanna stay here?" she furrowed her brow.

"I would love that!"

"Mmhmm... Okay... I'll let the others know.."

"Yes! Maybe you can show me some of your paintings while I'm here..." he quickly said as she reached at the door.

"Maybe.." she exclaimed and quickly walked away. She had just met him, and he was a freaking celebrity. In her mind he was so out of her league.
But she was already crushing on him anyway.
So badly. Shit.


"So, Timothée can sleep in the guest room.. You'll share your sister's room with her... And Evan is gonna have to share your room with Falcon." Harper said to her older daughter.

"Really? Evan will sleep in the same room with the bodyguard??? He'll get pissed.."

"Well.... If he gets pissed over something so unimportant, then he's not the right guy for my daughter. He better be polite, he's in my house.." the woman shrugged. She didn't like the attitude of the rich boy that Evan had. The fact her daughter had to overthink about anything, just to avoid upsetting him, made the woman dislike him.

"Uuufff.... I guess he's gonna have to compromise.." the girl sighed and went to the living room to talk to her boyfriend.

"Where were you???" the boy asked.

"With my mom... So they're going to sleep here.. And my mom wants Timothée to have privacy, so he'll sleep in the guest room... And well, my sister can't share a room with a grown ass man, so I'll stay with her... So you know what that means, right?" she hesitantly said.

"Um.. No. I only just realized you won't sleep with me..."

"Yes.. And you're gonna have to share the room with Falcon...
You won't sleep on the same bed." she quickly explained.

"What the hell! Are you for real?" he gave her a death glare.

"Yes... I'm sorry.."

"I'd gladly go to a freaking hotel if I knew this would happen.... Can't he sleep on the couch or something?"

"It's just for one night.. Can you not make a scene please?"

"Can I? Since the moment I walked in here everyone's been talking about Chalamet... Timothée this, Timothée that.. And now because of him I have to sleep in the same room as this stupid guy... It's too much."

"Well.. We're just trying to be polite.. He did something nice for our family, so we try to be nice in return.. It's just a one night thing, I repeat."

"Was the snowfight also an act of civility??? I saw you two being a little too playful out there.. You know he's a celebrity, right? He will go back to his life and back to hanging out with supermodels and the hottest famous girls.. He won't even remember your name tomorrow morning.. So don't be too blinded by him.. He doesn't know anything about relationships.. Keep your distance and behave, cause we're through if you don't..

"What are you even talking about... I-.. Nothing is obviously going to happen between me and him.. It was just a silly, spontaneous snowfight..."

"Really? You'd never do that with me.."

"Yeah cause with you I can never be spontaneous... I have to overthink every step and act of mine... You'd shout at me if I threw snow at you.. You fight with me over the stupidest things..."

"I just try to make you the best version of yourself.. And that's how you thank me?!?! You can't be spontaneous and childish.. What the hell... You're 25.. You're not that young anymore.. You're kinda old for snowfights.."

"Im kinda old for snowfights..?! Are you even being serious right now?"

"Yes, you're getting older and you need a better job, more interesting hobbies, classier friends and a fancier wardrobe.. You're not 12.." he pointed at her sweater.

"What the fuck asshole.. You can stay here for the night, but tomorrow morning you'll leave by yourself.. First thing in the morning.
I've had enough... Why did you even start dating me, since you find me too poor, and too inelegant? You think trying to change someone is okay, you bigheaded jerk?" she whisper-yelled.

"See?! You just proved my point. You need better influences in your life.. So you can stop talking like a 50 year old truck driver.."

"Fuck you. There's nothing wrong about 50 year old truck drivers.. Some rich, snobby people like yourself is the real problem." the girl stood up and rushed to her sister's room, feeling angrier than ever.

MERRY TIM-MAS ~ Timothée Chalamet ✓ Where stories live. Discover now