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Sienna saw him leaving, a few minutes later, through the window.
She was a little upset, but there was no point in acting like a baby.. She knew this was going to happen and it was stupid, she had no reason to overreact.

She walked out of the room and when she made it to the staircase landing she looked at the drawer Timothée had thrown his ring in the other night from afar.
She decided to walk away.
She was going to enjoy her Christmas time with her family.

"Good morning honey!" her mother said when she entered the kitchen.

"Good morning!"

"Um... Are you okay?"

"Yes mom.. I'm okay.. You noticed Evan left, right? I'm perfectly fine with it.." she shrugged.

"Timothée left too..."

"Yes. I know! We just went back to being the four of us!!! It was supposed to be this way anyway!"

"And I promise it'll be fun! It's just for a few days!" the woman rubbed her daughter's back.

"I know mom.. It's always fun when I come here! I came to surprise you, because I wanted to, remember?" the girl exclaimed.
It was the truth, she wanted to spend some days with them, she really loved her family.


The days passed by and it was time for her to get on the plane and fly back to New York. Her time in Seattle was fun, her family and the activities they did together helped her a lot to forget about anything else.

She finally got inside her small apartment in New York, her roommate looked at her from afar and quickly ran up to her to hug her.

"Omg!!!! Missed ya gal!!!" the loud girl shouted.

"I missed you too!" she quickly left her luggage on the floor and stretched.
"Uuufff... My legs are killing me! The flight seemed so long."

"Ya just need a hot shower, and a lil bif of chilling... Then we can go out!!!"

"I don't think so..."

"We're definitely going out... It's the 30rd of December... This is basically the last free night of 2021, we need to have fun downtown.. Tomorrow night we'll be at a New Year's Eve party..." Nevaeh spoke.

"Okay... You're right.. It'll be fun...
Just let me get some rest for 2 or 3 hours.." Sienna made her way to her room and her friend followed her.

"Deal! So how was Seattle?"

"It was nice! There was so much snow!!!! Oh and I broke up with Evan."

"What? Really?!?!"

"Yes... He started being an asshole from the moment we arrived at the airport... Also during the trip... And while meeting my family.. Or even during our private conversations.."

"He has always been an asshole, girl.. Ya just didn't wanna see it.."

"Yes.. I guess so! But I feel so much better now that I don't have to try hard to impress somebody.. So thank God I took him with me, cause his behavior around my family made me see the real him. And the real him is disgusting." the girl shrugged.

"That's my girl!!! You can finally have some real fun, meet people... Kiss strangers, try multiple dic-"

"Nevaeh!!!!! Omg! I'm not into one night stands! You know that.."

"What if you met your ultimate crush, and they wanted to have sex with ya?! Would ya turn them down?" her friend asked.

"Um...... I-.. I don't know... I wouldn't want to end up being just another partner for the night...!"

"But it'd be a fun thing... How could ya turn that down? I would give it to as many of my crushes as possible... I'd brag about it nonstop.." the girl laughed.

"Hmmm.... Yeah.. I get what you're saying.. I'm just a little more romantic than that!" Sienna chuckled.

"Baaabygirl!" her friend put her in a tight hug and she laughed.

"Enough!!! I have to take a shower!"


"Red is definitely your color... Christmas is definitely your time of the year!" Nevaeh complimented Sienna when she came out of her room, all ready for their night out.

"Stoooop!!!!" she playfully shaked her head.

"It's just da truth!!!!!!! You're a bad bitch!"

"Nev!!! Let's just go!" she laughed and they quickly got out of their apartment. Soon enough they made it out of the building and finally to the New York city streets.
The lights were almost blinding, the smell of Christmas candies and cookies was in the air and hundreds of people were out in their warm coats, exploring the city that never sleeps.

"It's so beautiful, I'm gonna cry!" Sienna joked.

"We belong in this city!" Nevaeh flipped her hair.

"Why? Cause we're as beautiful as it?"

"Yas gal!"

"You're crazy...
Let's go watch that choir!!!" Sienna excitedly said when she noticed a group of people singing festive songs.

"They're boring.."

"Come on!!!!" she dragged her friend to the spot the choir was.
"I love this song!" she giggled.

Nevaeh laughed at her friend and took her phone out of her bag.

"I'm Mister White Christmas.
I'm Mister Snow.
I'm Mister Icicle.
I'm Mister Ten Below.
Friends call me Snow Miser.
Whatever I touch,
turns to snow in my clutch.
I'm too much!"
Sienna sang along with the choir and didn't even notice that her friend was recording her.

"What the... Stooooop!" she laughed and covered her friend's camera with her hand when she finally noticed.

"You're adorable... I can't! Ya really felt that!" Nevaeh chuckled.

"Told you I love it!" Sienna giggled.

"Posted!" Nevaeh exclaimed.

"What!?! You posted that??? I'm so going to kill you!"

"No it's so cute.. Stop! Plus you have a nice voice, nobody will make fun of ya... And well, don't give a fuck about people anyway!"

"Ugh fine! I don't give a fuck about them!" she spontaneously said and quickly covered her mouth.

"Yas, yas, yas.... That's the attitude I like..." Nevaeh danced around.

"Damn Nev.. Let's just walk!" she playfully rolled her eyes and linked their arms as snow started falling from the sky. They started walking through the crowd.

"Where are we going?"

"I have no idea... What do you say about a cup of tea?"

"I prefer gin... But yeah, okay!" Nevaeh joked.

"For God's sake...!" suddenly Sienna's phone started ringing, and she looked inside her bag for it.
"It's my sister..!" she said and accepted the call.

MERRY TIM-MAS ~ Timothée Chalamet ✓ Where stories live. Discover now