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"Woah... Are you alright sis?" Riley asked.

"I'm perfectly fine! Don't I look fine?!" she grabbed a pillow and threw it on the wall.

"Take it easy.. You'll ruin my wall..." the girl sarcastically said.

"Ugh... Just close your eyes and sleep, please.."

"Nope.. Are you upset?"

"I don't really wanna talk about it right now.."

"I know we fight a lot, and I'm annoying sometimes.. I admit it.. But you can talk to me!"

"Evan and I had a fight.. Okay..?
I think I'm done with him for good.."

"Really? Why did you fight?"

"Because of the snowfight you started.....
And then I ended up 'having fun' with Timothée... It made Evan jealous... Then he tried to insult me to ruin my confidence, I guess.."

"So he can be sure that you'll stay away from Timothée....
And well... I started the fight, but Timothée kept it going on.. I think he was trying to be flirty.." Riley whispered.

"Riley you're 14, you don't know what you're talking about..." Sienna shaked her head.

"I'm 14 but I've watched Sex And The City.. I can tell when someone's attracted to someone else... Timothée probably thinks you're hot.."

"What?!? Omg! He's seen so many hot celebrities... Why would he-"

"You're beautiful in a natural, unique way.. I am too... I'm just too young for him at the moment! And well.. Let's just say that your style and personality are kinda cute.." her sister flipped her hair.

"Oh gosh.. And hey.. Young lady.... Where and how did you even watch Sex And The City???"

"Um.. What do you mean? I watch it with mom.."

"It has so many inappropriate scenes.... What.. Doesn't it make you feel uncomfortably???"

"No... Not really. It teaches me how to behave around boys in the future.."

"In the far future I hope..." Sienna raised her eyebrow.

"Duh! I don't like anyone here anyway.. I only want Harry!"

"Okay Mrs Styles! Be patient!...
I'm gonna go to the kitchen for a little while.. Sleep now.." she said and carefully walked out of the room.


She got a mug from the cupboard and tried to find the cocoa powder.
She couldn't sleep, she was too upset for that. She just needed a nice, hot drink to calm herself down.

"Hey!" a soft voice sounded and she quickly turned around. It was Timothée.

"Um.. Hi!"

"Can't sleep?"

"Not really! What about you? It's pretty late.." she exclaimed.

"Yeah, I don't really know.. I need some water though. I think I ate too much!"

"Oh... I'll get you the water!" she said, he nodded and sat on one of the stools. She quickly grabbed a glass and a water bottle from the fridge. She poured the liquid in the glass and then put it in front of him, on the counter.

"Merci beaucoup!"

"Woah, that sounded classy! French is such a nice language!" she exclaimed as she took the milk out of the fridge.

"It really is.. Are you making hot cocoa?" he asked as he noticed the cocoa box on the counter.

"Yes! I just need a hot drink.." she shrugged.

"Can I help with that? Do you think you have some chocolate in here, like, a bar?" he questioned.

"Uum.. Pretty sure my mom used chocolate for the dessert... So perhaps there is some.. Why?"

"Let me make the drink for you then.. Hot chocolate, the Parisian way!" he smiled and she blushed. He wanted to make her a drink?.. That was so sweet and kind of him.

"Um.. Okay.. Sounds promising!" she shrugged.

"You'll love it, let's just find the chocolate!" he exclaimed and they started looking around.
"Oh, I'm also going to need the light brown sugar!" he excitedly took the jar, as Sienna showed him the chocolate in her hands.
"Awesome! Take a seat mademoiselle!" he giggled and poured some milk in a small pot and put it on the stovetop, to heat it. Then he stood on the other side of the counter, across from her.
"So chocolate drinks are so much better when you use actual chocolate.. The cocoa powder ones never taste like the coffee shop ones.. Have you noticed?" he opened the chocolate and started chopping it into small pieces with a knife.

"Yeah.. I'm so annoyed.. It never tastes like the ones I buy in cafés!" she agreed and he chuckled.

"Thank God I'm here!" he joked.

"Make some for yourself too!" she awkwardly said.

"I think I will!" he pressed his lips together and added some more milk in the pot.

"How come you're hitting the milk on the stovetop and not in the microwave?"

"Um.. I'm going to add the chocolate while the milk is still on the stovetop, for a better result!" he shrugged.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" she teased him.

"Yes! Oui! I definitely know what I'm doing!" he smirked as he took the chocolate from the counter and he dropped the small pieces in the milk.
The chocolate started melting and the drink turned brown. He added the sugar and combined the ingredients with a spoon.
"And that's how you make chocolat chaud!" he proudly said and carefully picked up the small pot.

"Good job!!!" she exclaimed when he showed her the liquid.

"What is this though??? You are literally wearing a sweater with a huge golden bow on it!!!! And you're going to drink out of this plain, boring mug???" he playfully shaked his head when he saw the mug the girl had picked.

"Mmm... I didn't really think too hard about the mug..." she put her hands up in surrender.

"The perfect Christmas drink requires the perfect Christmas mug!" he fastly spoke and stood in front of the cupboards.
"Can I?"

"Yes! Go ahead!" she gave him the permission to open the cupboard and he looked inside.

"There!!!! I was sure you guys would have some Christmas mugs!!! The whole house looks so festive! And I love that!" he cheerfully said and put two mugs on the counter in front of the girl.

"Do you always get excited this easily?" she shyly asked.

"I think so!" he giggled and poured the drink in the mugs.
"Voilà!" he smiled and picked up his mug.

"Thank you! It smells nice!" Sienna took her mug and smiled at the boy.

"Thank you! Should we enjoy our drink in a festive, cozy corner?" he suggested.

"Sure... Let's go sit on the window seat at the staircase."

"That's my favorite spot in your house! I swear!" he chuckled, as they both walked out of the kitchen.

MERRY TIM-MAS ~ Timothée Chalamet ✓ Where stories live. Discover now