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"Well.. Look... People need time.. You can't just start dating someone overnight... Can you?"

"No... But I never asked you to date me... I just wanted to keep in touch... And get to know each other better... But I'm not a celebrity, so it didn't seem like a smart idea to you..." she shrugged.

"The fact you're not a celebrity has nothing to do with it... I, myself, don't feel like I'm a celebrity..."

"Why did you wear a mask to go out then???"

"Because people will obviously come up to me if they see me... But I still am the boy I was before all of the movies and the awards... I want to be able to do the things normal people do...
Like, talking to someone I want in public, without being interrupted... So if the reindeer mask can help me do that, then why not?"


"And well... Since you say you wanted to keep in touch with me why didn't you say something??" he asked as they arrived at his floor and he unlocked the door of his apartment.

"I didn't say a thing because you didn't seem interested enough..." she exclaimed and he let her inside the house.
"Holy shit!" she quickly covered her mouth.
"This place is so cool!" she fastly walked to the big glass window with the festive city view. He followed her and stood across from her.

"Thank you! And I think I looked interested enough...
I kissed you even though we knew each other for a couple of hours...
I took the risk... You could've easily talked about it with the wrong people, and then the whole world would think of me as a celebrity who takes advantage of his fans.."

"I'm not a fan of yours..."

"Well... You know what I mean.."

"Yes.. I know.. But still... I don't understand.."

"I just.. It was so stupid of me... We both wanted to keep in touch with each other.. I should have admitted that, instead of playing silly fate games."

"You think so?"

"Yes... I was disappointed that you didn't call.. I thought of searching for you on IG or something, but I didn't want to turn into a stalker... I was planning on contacting the competition site to ask them to give me your number...
But today, somehow, my phone rang... And when I accepted the call, your sister was on the other line... She wanted to give me your address, but I didn't wanna show up at your door and make you feel uncomfortably...
You'd have to move to a different building then... So I declined." he joked and she playfully shaked her head.

"Then she offered to give me your phone number, but I didn't want to get it from her, without your permission.... So Ι decided to just surprise you in my reindeer mask, instead of getting your personal info.. It was fun.. I don't regret it!" he laughed.

"And how did you know I was there????
You seem like a fanboy to me..." she teased him.

"I asked your sister to ask you where you were... But before she had the chance to, she saw a video of yours and she sent it to me and asked me if I recognized the location..."

"You saw that video?!?!?! How embarrassing..." she hid her face behind her hands.

"It was great.. There's nothing to be embarrassed about.. You have a nice voice and this tight sweater looks great on you..." he bit his lip.
"But anyway, I know New York like the back of my hand.. So yeah... I realized the location was so close to my house, I quickly walked there, but you were nowhere to be found when I arrived... So I asked Riley to call you and tell you to go back there.... Let's just say your whole family knows I was trying to find you..Oops! And if that makes me a fanboy, well... Cool!"

MERRY TIM-MAS ~ Timothée Chalamet ✓ Where stories live. Discover now