The Hill

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First off I wanted to say thanks for anyone who has read my ff. I never imagined it would get this popular 73 reads wow. This gives me the encouragement to keep writing.

I also wanted to say thank you to the real life inspiration for Annie. You know who you are. Thnaks for keeping me of the right track.

X Stephannie.


I knew it was bad lying to her like this but the only way she would fall for it if Annie convinced her to go make fools of themselves. I paced back and forth in the park. All the boys where there. Even Nathan who had a very strange look about him.

“It’ll be ok,” Max said to me placing a hand on my shoulder.

I saw Annie and Mel pull up. God I was shaking so bad. “Come on Parker,” I told myself “it was a long time coming.” I saw them coming over to us. Mel froze in place. I could see her pointing her finger at us and yelling at Annie. I read her lips “What the hell are we doing here and why are they here?” I think something clicked in Mel’s mind. She started running back down the hill. Annie wasn’t fast enough to grasp her before Mel took off. Mel might have been on the track team but she still wasn’t faster than Max. He ran down that hill as fast as he could. He finally caught up with her and threw her over his shoulders.

“Let me go!” she said screaming and pounding her fists on Max’s back. He dropped her next to me and the boys. Annie soon came up muttering “so...much…effort…” after her final steps trying to make the mood light.

“Melanie,” I started.

She turned away from me.

“We need to talk to you.”

She looked down at her feet.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she hissed.

“We all came out here to…You know what I’m just going to tell you how it is. You need to end this relationship now. You are too blind to see that Michael is abusing you. I know you might not know what love is. I think you’re smart enough though to realize that this is wrong. The boys, Annie, and I made the decision to come out here and tell you this. We are here to support you in whatever you decide to do,” I honestly had no idea how to phrase it other than that.

“So,” she said trying to hold back her tears. “This is how my day went. I went over to what supposedly was my best friend’s house,” she turned and looked at me. “To find that Annie and Nathan where screwing each other on her bed.” I shot them a look. “Now I come out here to find that YOU’RE trying to give me advice. Well you know what you can screw around behind people’s back but you can’t screw me. SCREW ME ONCE SHAME ON YOU. SCREW ME TWICE SHAME ON ME!”

She didn’t make it long before she collapsed in the grass crying.

I went over to her and I cradled her head in my chest. “It’s going to be all right,” I told her as the boys and Annie looked casualty over in our direction.


I sat in the chair in Tom’s room with a blanket around me. Still shivering from the cold. Tom was right. For the first time in his life he was right. I wiped away what was left of my eyeliner on my hand. I looked at my hand and finally saw what my hand was. It wasn’t even my hand at all anymore. It just looked blackened. Like someone who worked in the coal factory for too long. I heard Tom come in. He sat next to me on his bed.

“Do you know when the last time we were sitting in this same exact setting?” Tom said as he took my hands.

I nodded. “A couple of nights after I came home from the hospital. I was having nightmares about the crash.”

“And what did I tell you?”

I thought. “Well, you said that I couldn’t change history. You know that’s a very blunt thing for you to say to a ten-year-old now that I think about it.”

“Well I’m not the type to sugar coat things,” he said.

I laughed

“You know that you can change this unlike the crash. All u need to say is five little words. Michael we are so done.”

I was hesitant. “Tom I’m so afraid of him. What is he going to do to me if I break up with him? Tom, he’s probably going to try to kill me.”

“Don’t worry he won’t do anything. Not as long as I’m around.  We are going to go do that right now.”

I looked at Tom. “Do what right now?” I asked him.

“Your going to break up with Michael. Better get it over with now.”

I'm in LOVE with my 'brother!?' A Tom Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now