Mel's Party

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So the thing that Tom gave Mel is in the sidebar


"Come on guys you know I don't like all this attention," Mel whined. 

"You need to like shut up now. Today you are the freaken Eskimo princess," Annie said leading Mel into a chair by her wrist. 

"Geez," Mel said looking around. "You guys went to extensive lengths." 

"'Just shut up your ruining it," Annie said. 

Mel shook her head. 

"Stop doing that and open something," Annie said throwing a present in Mel’s lap. It landed with a thud. 

"Whose is this?" she said shaking the box. 

"Its mine," Jay said with grin on his face. 

"Holy crap," she said opening the box. "I thought it was real." She started laughing. 

"What is it? What is it?" Annie said bouncing on her heels. 

"It’s a stuffed lizard," Liz said smiling. "Now I can finally have a pet lizard without having to clean its poop or fed it. Thanks Jay," she said and blowing him a kiss. 

"Incoming," Annie said throwing a bag on Mel’s lap. 

"Stop doing that. You’re going to hurt me." 

"What I did nothing." 

"That's new," I said jokingly. 

Mel hit my shoulder. 

"Ow what was that for?" I asked rubbing it. 

She shrugged and quickly changed the subject. "Awww that's so sweet thanks Seev." 

Now I was curious, "What is it?" I asked. 

"It’s a new pair of sparkly blue heels plus a gift card to David and Goliath." 

“I’m not going to lie it was Nareesha’s idea. I'm not very good at picking out presents for girls who aren't my sisters," Siva said in an honest tone.

“No throwing it this time," Mel said scolding Annie who I saw was in position to throw another one of the gifts.  

"Ugh you’re no fun," Annie said groaning. 

"That's mine," Nathan said pointing to the gift that had landed in Mel’s lap. 

"Honestly Nath I knew this one was yours," Mel said tolling her eyes. 

"How?" Nath said rather defensively. 

"The horrid raping job," Mel said. This caused even Annie to laugh.  

God I had to love this girl.

“I pour my heart and sole into something and you make fun of it,” Nath whined. “That’s not fair.”

"Nice a hat." Mel smiled looked at me and said, "Why don't you buy me nice hats." 

I shrugged, “Cuz I’m not Nathan maybe?”

"Can I just go next?" Max asked as he gave Mel his present. 

She opened it and looked mortified. 

"Holy hell Mel. What is it?" I asked peaking over her shoulder. 

"I cant," she said putting her hand over her eyes and passed the box to me. 

I started laughing. Flavored condoms and Lube. Classic Max. I shook my head. And showed everyone what the gift was. Everyone let out a huge laugh. 

"I have an excuse as to why I can’t use them," Mel finally said. 

“And what's that," I said as I flicked one of them towards her. 

She flinched when it hit her and finally said," Cuz I don't like soda and they are soda flavored" 

Everyone laughed even harder. 

"What I'm serious!" she screamed. 

"Its ok Mel," I said giving her a peck on the cheek. "We can still use the lube." 

Another burst of laughter. 

"Just give me the next damn present," Mel said as she crossed her arms. "Oh no holy shit," Mel said realizing that Annie was coming over with what she had brought for Mel. 

Annie placed the rather large gift on Mel’s lap. 

Mel opened it gingerly. "Its not going to explode on my face is it. Or try to kill me?" 

I looked over at Annie who was shrugging. 

"Phew," she said breathing a sigh of relieve. "Is only a necklace with a charm on it." 

She looked over at Annie who had a distinct look on her face. 

"Oh hell no. There's more. Isn’t there?" Mel said looking down into the bag. 

"Yeah of course," Annie laughed. 

Mel started pulling out a long brown piece of rope. "Annie," she said her face turning a shade of dark red. "Really?" 

I looked closer at the present only to discover that it was a whip. 

"I thought it would help with your little problem," she whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"For your information," Mel said sticking her index finger up. "Oh why do I even bother?" 

Mel then looked over at me and I mouthed ‘what.’

She shook her head and stood up. "Well I'm going to bed. Thank you all for a wonderful somewhat normal birthday." 

"Are you going to try out your new present later," Annie said smirking. 

Mel rolled her eyes and headed up the stairs. Everyone looked at me. 

"You didn't get her a present did you jerk," Annie said almost hitting me in my balls. 

"I Did. I did. Geez. You'll find out about it tomorrow," I winked at Annie. She laughed and I walked up the stairs. 

I went into our room to see Mel in nothing but her bra and knickers pinning her hair up. I leaned up against the door frame. 

"I'm sorry that I didn't get you anything this year love," I said walking up from behind her and putting my hands on her shoulders 

"Tom its OK," she said kissing me. "I love you anyways. You’re my present." 

"Well I did get you something this year," I said pulling the box out of my coat pocket. 

"Tom if it’s a coupon book for sexual favors," she turned around and gasped. 

"A blue box with a white ribbon but that can only mean..." 

I nodded my head. 

"But I thought...." 

"Shut up and open the gift." 

"Tom its…its...I don't know what to say," Mel said as she burst into tears. 

"Beautiful just like you?" I said answering her question. 

"Tom I..." she took me into a full hug that almost knock me onto the floor. 

"Pain…can't breath…let go.”

She smiled at me. 

"Guess what your birthday isn't even over yet?" 

"Oh really. Why do you say that," Mel said as she lifted my shirt up over my head. 

"Hmmm I don't know just a feeling." 

"Go get Max's and Annie's presents. I think I'm going to use them sooner versus later," Mel said blowing the words into my ear.

I'm in LOVE with my 'brother!?' A Tom Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now