I'll Be Your Strength

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"What did Max want?" 

I stared into those beautiful venerable blue eyes. Unable to tell her what had happened. I didn’t want to have to tell her this especially on our vacation but I couldn’t keep it a secret either.

I cleared my throat. I looked at the floor and pretended to kick something that was on it. 

"Max said that the police are looking into who hit you and they want you to come in for an interview ASAP."  Mel’s eyes got seriously dark and bright pink. 

"Really," she said voice cracking. "ASAP?" 

"As soon as possible." 

“I know what it means Tom I'm not a dumb blonde." 

"Hey hey. It’s going to be alright," I said pulling the one strand of hair that always seems to be in her face behind her ear. 


"We don't have to leave until Friday that's a whole day away." 

"Yeah I guess." 

"It’s not a guess it’s a fact." 

Mel ignored me. 

"I know let's watch Gone with the Wind," I said with a wide grin of my face. 

Mel still continued to ignore me. I luckily found the movie and it was just after the orchestra had stopped playing. 

Throughout the whole movie Mel stared into space with an empty look on her face.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me. Something was definitely going on with her she was never this quiet during a movie especially this one.

"Mel I want you to go to sleep. You’re probably exhausted anyway. Sleep will kill the hang-over and your feel better in the morning." 

She nodded with her glazed over eyes. After a while she started shaking. Poor Mel always cold when she sleeps I pulled the some blankets over her and she quickly fell into sleep.

I thought to myself. Was she stable enough to do this? Give a full eyewitness account to what had almost killed her? Was she over it? Did we give her enough time? Of course Tom she’ll be fine. She’s Mel. Melanie Smith. She was strong enough to do this. Strong enough to do anything. As I thought about this my eyes closed. 

Two days later. 

Yesterday we must have watched Gone with the Wind a million times. All the while Mel started at the TV with blank stare. She didn't laugh at the funny parts or cry at the sad parts. Maybe we were pushing her and she wasn’t telling me that we were. I tried to infuriate her by doing all the things she hates that people do during a movie that are distracting. She especially hates when you do these things during her favorite movie. For example, she hates when people talk during a movie so I kept talking to her about random shit that had nothing to do with the movie. Then I started to do my impersonations of the characters. Still nothing was working so I tried her pet peeve. When ever she watches this movie with her dad he always asks her “Is that Scarlet” every time Scarlet changes a costume. So I tried that and still got no response. Something was definitely wrong.  

"Mel come on we need to get up and pack," I said shaking her to wake up. 

She didn't say anything and got up over to the bureau. She started folding her clothes and put them in the suitcase. She pulled the suitcase off the bureau and tried to put it on the bed. It instead fell on the floor and exploded open.

“Tom I’m fine,” she said as she saw me reaching over to help her. “Klutzy me yet again.”

“No Mel you’re not fine.”

“Well of course I am,” Mel said and stood up straight.

“No you’re not. You never made any comments during or about the movie. Usually you’re saying that Scarlet is a spoiled brat and has never heard the word no until Ashley comes along and tells her it. Or you smack people who talk during it, or you smack me when I try to do my impersonations or you yell at me when I pull a is that Scarlet joke. Basically you were supposed to smack me but you didn’t.”

Mel put the rest of the things in the suitcase in silence.

“So when are we leaving?” Mel said after she was done putting the clothes back in the suitcase.

“Stop avoiding the question.”

“What question?”

“What is going on inside that head of yours? Tell me.”

“Nothing,” she said.


“What. Nothing is wrong-”

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her so she was facing me. Her eyes were bloodshot.

She realized that I knew she had been crying and said, “Now you know why I wasn’t saying anything during the movie.”

I just kept looking at her face.

“Tom. I can’t do this anymore. I keep pretending that it never happened. I finally got it out of my head and now its back,” she said crying.

“Mel you need to stay strong. I’ll stay strong for you. I’ll be your strength.”

Mel smiled and rolled her eyes that where now a shade of pink. “Where have I heard that before?”

“Nath and Jay actually wrote that song for you the first time you came home from your first fight with Michael.”

“Really?” Mel raised one eyebrow.

“That was supposed to be my song to you. I never found the appropriate time to tell you that. But I guess now is the appropriate time.”

“Thanks Tom,” Mel weakly smiled.

“Now we have a plane to catch.”

So I WAS going to update last night but for those of you that know Wattpad was being a pain in the you-know-what.

For those of you that do not know TW song I'll Be Your Strength I linked it in the sidebar.


X Steph

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