Tom's Dream

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So I'm back people. Thanks for your corporation.

Two Days Later


“Do you forgive me Mel?”

“Tom I do but…”

“But what Mel what?”

“I’m sorry Tom.”

She disappeared.

“Mel where are you.  Stop playing around and come back.”

Darkness. Then a room in a church appeared. Everyone was there. They were all hovering over something. I walked up from behind them and saw Mel lying in a coffin.

“You see what you do you stupid-ass,” Annie yelled at me. “It’s because of you she’s dead.”

I woke up to see that the dream was just a dream. I rolled over to face Mel. She was sound asleep and making little noises as she inhaled and exhaled. No doubt passed out because we went snorkeling yesterday. The sun showed brightly on her stomach revealing the scars she had on her stomach as the result of the two car accidents and of course that prick Michael. I had never really seen them in this light before. I went to touch them. Mel let out a moan and rolled over so now her back was facing me. I got up slowly as to not move the bed and walked outside to the deck and leaned my body on the slats. I started to think. This was the sixth time in the past month that I’ve had this dream. Was it really my fault that she got into all these predicaments? If I had never known her would she be better off than she is now?

“Tom?” I heard a little week voice say. I looked over to see Mel rubbing her eyes and yawing. “We need to talk about this dream you’re having. I know this isn’t the first time that you dreamt it.”

She sat down on a wicker chair and I sat down on the couch that was next to her.

“It’s about me isn’t it,” she said looking at the floor while playing with the hem of her robe.

“No it’s about-”

“Tom stop lying to me. If it was about something else you wouldn’t be this hesitant to talk about it,” she said rather sternly.

I didn’t say anything.

“Tom talk to me, don’t you know talking about this things helps a relationship,” she said razing her voice.

I looked over to see her hands trembling she was getting upset.

I still didn’t respond.

“Oh I have an idea. Maybe you don’t want to help this relationship. Maybe this is a game to you or something.  Here I’ll play your game Parker if your not going to talk to me I’m not going to talk to you,’ she said and stormed off.

“Mel I didn’t mean-”

“I thought we weren’t talking to each other.”

 I watched her as she disappeared into the house.

Mel left about twenty minutes later pool towel in hand.

I called the only person who knew her better than Max or I.

“Who the hell is this?” Annie said yelling at the other end. “Do you know what fucking time it is?”

“It’s Tom,” I said taken back by how Annie answered her phone.

There was a pause.

“What did you do to Mel?” she sighed.

“Nothing…we just had a fight. I think she is more upset then normal though.”

“She’s probably just on her period or something,” Annie said laughing. “What was the fight about?”

 “I had a nightmare about her and I wouldn’t tell her what it was about and she got pissed off.”

She sighed, “You’ve known her longer than me and you still haven’t learned that she hates when people keep secrets from her. What was the dream about in particular?”

“I’m not really sure but I think it was trying to tell me that I caused the accidents and her bad relationship to Michael. If she never knew me she would be better off.”

“Tom you know that isn’t true. If anything she still would be with Michael and probably dead from his beatings.”

“But your dreams are your subconscious talking to you. Right?” I asked Annie.

“Your probably thinking that you caused what happened which you did not. Why did you not talk to her about it?”

“I’m scared of being a wimp in front of her and saying something like I’m afraid of losing you. You know how she doesn’t like cliché things like that.”

“Ok do you want my advice or not?” Annie asked in a serous voice.


“Too bad I’m giving it to you,” she said and cut me off. “Wait until she has calmed down and then tell her what you just told me.”


Annie then hung up on me.

 The rest of the day was pretty bad. We both did our separate things. I sat in the cottage and watched TV while Mel went swimming. When she came home she didn’t even look at me and went to go take a shower. She went back out after she finished her shower.

Mel still was out and it was after midnight. After about 2:30 I heard mumbled singing from outside the cottage. It was Mel. She was drunker than Jay I think. I had seen Mel drunk obviously but this was a new low even for her.

She came in smiling and to me said, “Oh Tommy Boy why are you so upset. Here drink this liquor that I brought home for us.”

“Mel you need to go to bed.”

“Not with you,” she said and stumbled over her own two feet. “You know something Tommy you’re a ass-hole,” she said slurring every word and laughing like a hyena.

“Why did I ever sleep with an ass? Oh well stupid people do stupid things,” she said twirling a piece of hair around her index finger.

“Mel you need to go to bed your drunker than Jay.”

“I’ll take that as a complement,” she said peeling off the label of the sparking wine she brought back to the cottage. She took off the whole label and began chugging it.

I snatched it out of her hands.

“You suck Tom Parker. Oh well I can make my own fun.” 

She then started twirling around like a ballerina and singing, “You can stand under my umbrella…you can stand under my umbrella…Ella ella, ay, ay, ay…under my umbrella…”

She has to stop sometime I thought to myself. I was wrong however.

I just sat on the bed as she did the same exact thing for I think three hours. Then she passed out on the floor. I picked her up and laid her out on her side of the bed. I felt rather guilty that she went out and did this to herself because I made her so upset. I learned my lesson. As soon as she was ready in the morning I was going to tell her how I feel.     

I'm in LOVE with my 'brother!?' A Tom Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now