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So dad just cursed me out saying that I "broke" the computer. Yeah I love you too dad. So he told me that I couldn't go on until he said so. You might ask how I'm writing this right now if the computer is broken I'm on my phone. I would write the chapters on my phone but I like to see it on Microsoft word plus it takes up a lot of my data from my data plan.

So until further notice I will not be updating. Truthfully though my dads cooling off will probably come soon(about a week?) I just wanted to write this and apologize if it is longer than expected.. I will also not be updating the other ff.

I apologize again and hopefully I will be back to updating soon.

Thanks for your understanding.

X Steph

PS I still will be on wattpad though commenting on other peoples ff and hopefully giving u people status updates

I'm in LOVE with my 'brother!?' A Tom Parker FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora