The White Car

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I was pulled into a very small and cold room. I kept thinking about what Annie had said about the lingerie in the bag however it could not get my mind of the fact that I would have to experience again my memories. The pain that they caused me had finally went away and I was happy. I guess the devil has it out for me or something. Tom always joked about that because I was so mean to Annie I was going to hell.

A nice calm woman walked in and pulled a chair out for herself and sat down.

"Hi Mel," she said smiling. "I'm Becky Front and my partner Billy Judd and I are going to be helping you in perusing this case."

"Where is Billy?" I asked.

"Interviewing your boyfriend," she laughed to herself. "Poor boy."

"Why do you say that?"

"Billy has two girls about your age and he doesn't take these things very lightly."

"Oh," I mouthed.

"Anyway I have a few questions for you and then we are going to run a test. Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," I said. At this point my hands were getting very sweaty and I just wanted to get this over with.

"Did you feel at any point after your final conversation with Michael that he would come back and hurt you in anyway?"

"At first yes. But days turned into weeks and pretty soon I thought I was out of the woods. Until now." I looked down at my hands.

"Do you think that," she looked down at her papers. "Tom would be treating in anyway towards him?"

"I don't think he found Tom treating until he punched Michael in the nose."

How many more fucking questions are there I want to get out of here in one piece!

"Now this might be the hardest question of all. But-"


I looked over at Becky and raised one eyebrow.

"Oh," she laughed. "He's fine Billy just likes to get them riled up. Anyway," she said, "Back to my question. I want you to close your eyes and picture what happened minutes before the hit and run."


I closed my eyes.

"What do you see?"

The image came clear into my mind. "Well I see Tom and me on the couch and I just got up. Now I'm running outside. I turn to my left and-" my eyes then immediately shot open. "I'm sorry," I trembled. "I can't do it."

At that moment the tears came running down my face and I couldn't stop them. Becky let me cry for what seemed like hours.

"It's okay now," Becky said trying to make me feel better. "You're in a safe place and nothing is going to hurt you now. I need you to once again close your eyes and tell me what you see."

I breathed in heavily and the picture came clear into my mind.

Becky's voice came into my head as it did beforehand. "So the car is just about to hit you. What do you see?"

"I don't know," I said.

"Do you see the car?"


"What color is it?"


"Any unusual marks?"


"Can you make out the license plate?"


"I need you to focus Melanie. Just on the license plate."

I exhaled.

"What numbers do you see?"

"The first one is a S. The third one in from the right is a five. Then the last letter is as R-" My eyes yet again flew open. "I'm really sorry but I can't do this anymore. It's too painful."

"No Melanie," Becky said reaching for my hand. "You did well."

The door opened and a middle aged man came in and motioned Becky to come outside with him. I assumed it was Billy.

Becky closed the door behind her and I looked at my arms. They where white and blotchy, just how they usually get when I'm freaking out. Both Becky and Billy came in and sat in front of me across from the desk. Billy was smiling.

"Boy. Your boyfriend really does love you. I have never seen something like that happen when I question someone. I hope I didn't scare him too badly."

I smiled back at him.

Becky flipped through some papers and said, "We are going to have the others come in and ask them a few questions then if anything happens we will be sure to call you."

I nodded and walked out to the waiting room where I could see everyone staring at me.

Tom walked over and helped me into a seat.

"Are you ok?" he asked me.

"No. But I will be soon."

"That's a good girl," he said and kissed the top of my head. "And just think once we get home you can put on your sweats and be done with Annie's games for a couple of weeks."

"Shut up Tom. She likes my games," I herd Annie say from across the room.

I'm in LOVE with my 'brother!?' A Tom Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now