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So I put the song that was playing in the kichen in the sidebar. 


To be honest I actually did not disappear for three days. As soon as I left the house I checked into the hotel room and used the name Angela Dubois. You see, me and Annie decided a long time ago that if something happened to one of us because of my connection to the band we would have code names and disappear for a while. Mine would be Angela Dubois because I loved the book A Streetcar Named Desire. Except I didn't like the name Blanch or Stella, so I decided on Angela. Annie's name would be Nicola Ramirez. I have no idea why in hell she wanted to be called that but that's Annie for you. I think Annie knew all the time where I was going because 20 minuets later Nathan and her showed up at the door to my room. Nathan and Annie decided not to tell Tom about the whole thing because they thought it would be better for both of us. On the second day Nathan decided to take Tom out long enough for Annie to come into the house and pack up some of my clothes. It worked like a charm. Annie came over with about two weeks worth of my clothes and told me that she would wash them if I needed to stay in the hotel longer. Today I was wearing my favorite shirt. The shirt believe it or not had The Wanted on it. Annie had bought it for me because I said I had no Wanted stuff. She said that it wasn't fair that I had no wanted stuff even though I was obsessed with them. Hell, I had all The Wanted stuff I wanted at my house. I laughed at the little pun I had just accidently said. Little did she know that for her Christmas present that year I got her the chance to meet The Wanted and become friends with them. I think that's why she pulled this shirt out from my pile of clothes. I think she wanted me to be happy and remember moments like that. Annie was my only friend who I knew that I could trust with this big of a secret. The only person who could handle the secret of me being adopted by Tom Parker of The Wanted.  I had no idea how long I would be there for. Especially considering how much press the whole thing was getting. I had to buy a new phone and switch my number because I was getting so many texts from people at college. Most of them girls whom I know who wanted Tom’s autograph. I shook my head. Sooner or later Tom would be knocking at the hotel door pleading with him to come back home with him. No thanks. I heard a knock. Speak of the devil I thought. 

It was Tom. He looked like hell. He wasn't shaven and looked like he hadn’t bathed in a week. 

"Tom," I said nonchalantly. 

He looked down and saw the shirt I was wearing. He tried to smile but he just couldn’t. 

"I want you to come home," he said. His voice cracking all the way.  

"Like I told Annie I can't be in the same house as someone who raped his sister." 

"Please Mel PLEASE. I'll do anything. I just want to know that you’re safe," I never heard him plead this way before. “Mel I do really love you. I need you to know that.”  

"Fine. Just stop saying that word. Love,” I stuck my tongue out. “I will return with you under three conditions." 

He nodded, "yes what are they." 

"First I sleep in your room with the door locked. Second you sleep on the couch. Thirdly," I held three of my fingers up. "Annie is staying with us until further notice." 


As I sat on the couch that night and tried to fall asleep many thoughts started to come into my mind. In fact I  was very happy that Mel decided to come home. However, in the past week she has been completely ignoring me. She just says up in my room all the time. I'm not aloud to go near her or near the room. The only ones I see leaving the room are Max and Annie. I really had no idea how to apologize and have Mel take it seriously. At that moment a bolt of lighting and the sound of thunder shook the house. I remembered one of my favorite memories that I had shared with Mel. It was a night like this, a huge lighting storm had decided to pass through. Usually Mel was a heavy sleeper but that night she wasn’t sleeping soundly and that night something changed.

A bolt of lighting was seen and a crash of thunder was heard. I woke up and rolled over. I sighed and groaned.

“Storms, who needs them,” I said.

“Tom,” I heard a voice say. “I’m getting really freaked out right now.”

“Mel, your seventeen years old. You can handle it yourself. Get over it.”

“Nathan and Jay have been telling me really scary stories about ghosts and stuff and how they come out at night.”

“God you’re so gullible. Come here.”

She climbed into my bed.

“Now hush up and go to sleep.”

That morning apparently the guys had found her and me in the same bed with my arms wrapped around her. Boy did they have a snicker over that. I’m not lying when I say that I actually liked her that close to me. I felt like I was protecting her. That’s how I wanted to feel now. I wanted the feeling that she was protected in my arms. I liked to think that she lied about the whole scared thing so we could sleep in the same bed together. Another lightning strike and thunder shook the house. Well maybe I just could see if the light in the room is on. Everyone must be asleep by now. I crept up to my room and noticed that the light was off. Maybe I should just check to make sure she was sleeping. Using my totally amazing lock picking skills taught to me by Mel I opened the door to see her peacefully sleeping.

“What the hell do you think your doing?” Annie’s voice interrupted my trans. “Damn it,” I thought. “I forgot she gets up to go to the bathroom a lot.”

“Ugh nothing,” I said as I put my hand on my neck.

“Don’t be smart with me I know what you’re doing,” Annie said with an attitude. “You picked the lock.”

“Uh…Uh,” I stammered to say. Annie’s lips formed a smile.

“Listen. Give her a couple more days. And then try to apologize again. She’ll come to her senses soon enough.”

Annie went inside the room and closed the door. I then heard Mel ask what was going on. Annie replied with, “Oh nothing me and Nathan were just talking.”

The next morning Mel had finally deiced to come down. I knew it was her by the sound of her step. Annie soon followed her down the stairs. I heard them rummaging through the refrigerator.

“Why don’t you make something for breakfast,” I heard Annie say to Mel.

I popped my head up so I could see what was going on. Annie was at the refrigerator and Mel was sitting at the counter. Mel’s back was facing me so I couldn’t see her facial expressions. She had her hand on her chin. Annie gave me a nod as if to say I see you.

“I don’t feel like it,” Mel said stone coldly.

“Common it always makes you feel better.”

Mel shook her head. “I came out of Tom’s room. That’s enough effort for today.”

“Usually I’m the one saying that,” Annie said laughing. “Come on lets see what’s on the radio.” Annie then jumped all the way over to the radio.

 The song lyrics that were playing sounded like this, “we are the ones. The ones you left behind. Don’t tell us how. Tell us how to live our lives.”

Annie started jumping around. She grabbed Mel and started spinning her around. I think I heard Mel laughing.

“Ok. Ok. I’ll cook something.”

The song kept playing and Annie looked in my direction. I got up from the couch and went over to the counter.

“Hey what are you making,” I asked Mel.

“Oh he’s here,” she said. “Whatever. Did you want some or didn’t you Thomas.”

“Uh yeah I guess.” Ok this way taking far too long. I couldn’t wait any longer. Tonight I was going to really bring the point home.

I'm in LOVE with my 'brother!?' A Tom Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now