The Robe

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Sorry this is a bit longer than the others. Felt like writing today. Had a bunch of free time. Also linked the robe Tom gave Mel.


I woke up with my arms around Mel. She was lightly snoring. I got up to close the blinds so the sun wouldn't wake her up. I still couldn’t believe she hated the sun as much as she did. As I went over to the window and looked out I heard a chorus of "Tom who is in bed with you? Who did you sleep with last night?" Shit the papos had followed me home. I pulled the blinds down as fast as I could. Still trying to drum up drama. How was I going to get out of the house to go get us some breakfast? I'll go out the back door I guess. I left Mel a note along with a present I had gotten her a long time ago but never had given it to her. I thought now would be an appropriate time. Hopefully it would break the ice. I pulled on some sweats and pulled the hood way over my head. As I walked to the back door I noticed Annie coming down the stairs. Just as perky as ever.

“You and Nath have fun last night?” I asked her.

“Well, I don’t know if it compared to the fun you and Mel had last night,” she said.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t know?” she said scratching her head. “Maybe you two just need to keep it down next time you two decide to play up in your room.”

I didn’t say anything. “Just sit by her until she wakes up,” I said walking towards the door. 

I was able to get out of the house without the pappos even noticing. As I walked to the store to get the stuff for breakfast I thought to myself, "Does Mel even like me or was that drunk Mel who was in my bed last night?" I honestly had no idea what to think about last night. “Yes I really loved her but, did she really love me? Had I really taken away the only thing Mel had left of her that was still pure, and Nathan and Annie I needed to find out about that too." All these thoughts in my head with no place to rest. I finally got to the store about ten cold minutes later. I kept my head down so nobody would recognize me. I picked out some eggs, bacon, and english muffins. I really wanted to make Mel's favorite breakfast, eggs Benedict. Of course I probably won’t make it as good as she does but I'll try my best. I paid for the food and started walking home hoping that I would not be recognized.


I woke up and looked around the room. "Where the hell am I?" I said to no one in particular. I finally realized that I was in Tom’s room. “Crap,” I said as I remembered what happened last night. I put my hand on my face and ran it down the entire length. I needed to get my feelings straighten out. I knew last night that I liked Tom but did I like him enough to be in a relationship with him today. I rolled over to see Annie staring right back at me.

“Hi,” she said giggling.

“Don’t ever do that again,” I said.

“Guess what?”


“Me and Nathan are together. Officially boyfriend and girlfriend. ”

“I knew that,” I said.

“No you just thought we were fuckbuddies and friends with benefits. We are in a real and serious relationship.”

“Well when I saw you two at your house and last night.”

“You know what we did last night?” she said.

“What,” I moaned.

“He took me out to dinner and we had normal conversations and he took me back here, o watch a movie and not to fuck, only to find out that you and Tom, put in your ‘polite’ words screwing each other based on the sounds we heard coming from his room. Me and Nathan deiced to watch the movie anyway and fell asleep. ”

“Annie,” I said ignoring the statement a little embarrassed that I was having that much fun without her. “First of all it’s Nathan and I. Secondly I’m naked under here and I was just about to get up so unless you want me to flash you I suggest you leave.”

“Fine,” she said. “I was going to take a shower anyway. By the way your lover left you a present before he went to go get breakfast.” She hopped out of the room and closed the door.

I had just noticed the pink box with red ribbon on it. Luckily I didn’t have to go very far to grab the box and the card attached. The card fell onto my lap.

It said

“As Plato once said, ‘At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.’

For you my dearest

 Love Thomas X”

“Oh that Tom,” I said aloud. “Trying to be a romantic.”

I opened the box to find a black silk robe. I had always joked when I was younger that my boyfriend would buy me a silk robe. Was this a sign? I decided that it had to be something. “That’s it,” I thought aloud. “We do need to talk.”

I walked downstairs and sat at the counter and stared at myself in the reflection the marble was giving off.  I crossed my legs over one another. The way I was sitting part of my leg up just passed the knee became exposed. I herd the door open and Tom came in whistling.

He gave me a cat-call and said, “I knew that robe would come in handy someday.” He dropped the grocery bags and slid over to me on a roller chair. He put one hand on the knee that was exposed and the other on the back of my neck. He started to kiss me.

“Tom,” I said trying to move my head away from him.

 “Don’t be a tease,” he said and just kept kissing me.


His kisses got faster. His hand that was once on my leg found its way up to my ass. I had enough.

“THOMAS!” I said and put my hand in between his mouth and mine.

He stopped.

“We need to talk.”

He hopped over the counter and opened the fridge and took out a beer. “About what?”

“Last night.”

“Well based on last night I would say there was nothing to talk about. You seemed to like it. Man were you screaming,” he said opening the can laughing. “I think you quite enjoyed yourself,” he took a sip of beer and wiggled his eyebrows.

“Tom it’s not funny. I wasn’t even sober. You took advantage of me,”

“I never said it was!”

“You were laughing just now.”

“Did you wanna try it sober?’ he said raising one eye brow.

“Tom, do you like me or were you just fooling around with me last night.” I said. “And trust me I’ll know by the tone of your voice,” I said raising my voice a little.

Just then Max came down rubbing his temples. “Man this is a different kind of screaming than what I heard last night. You’re screaming kept us up all night,” he said.

We both shot him dirty looks.

“Sorry was I interpreting I lover’s quarrel?”

Just then Max’s phone rang. He looked dead at Tom. “I need to talk to you now,” he said in an angry tone.

Just then Annie came running in. “Look at what I found,” she said handing me her phone.

I looked down at the phone.

“OMFG, I can’t believe this!!!” I screamed.

I'm in LOVE with my 'brother!?' A Tom Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now