Chapter 1:The plan

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Nat sat upright on her bed edge.Her hands repeatedly rubbing up and down her arms.She was shaking with fear of what she had just witnessed.Well, witnessed in her dream.

She had yet another flash back of the Red Room.Steve must've heard her scream for help as his footsteps were heard running up the stairs.Nat jumped as he swung the door open.

He ran to her side as she refused to look his way, keeping her gaze on the floor.

"Hey, you alright?.I heard screaming."Steve said as he kneels down beside her.He shook her arm a bit."Nat?"

"W-what?,Yeah I'm fine."She wiped her tears with her sleeve.He sighed.

"Another dream?"

She nodded slightly.He grabbed her hand.

"Hey, talk to me.Whatever you say stays between us, you know that right?"He said.

"Yeah.Sorry I'm just overwhelmed.I'll be okay."She waved her hand a bit and placed her head in her hands.Her arms gently resting on her knees.

"Nat."She looked up.He saw tears around her eyes and immediately sat beside her.

There was a brief silence until Nat spoke.

"I was walking through the park today.You know Central Park.I had just left my meeting with King T'Chaka about what happened in Germany when I came across a playground.I saw a group of kids just playing around when I saw two people in particular."She spoke gazing up at him.He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I saw a mother and daughter.Just walking around holding hands as they smiled.It was quite a nice sight.I just was thinking and I want to have a kid."She said.He looked taken back by what she said.

"You want a c-child?"He stuttered.Wtf Steve stuttered?

"Yeah.I want to have a baby."She sniffled.

"Wait what's wrong about that?"He asked.

"Steve."She looked down at her hands."I can't have kids."

He didn't know what to say.The Captain America was lost for words.

Of course he knew of his friends time in the Red Room and what she had been through.But he didn't bring it up as a daily subject as it is a hard topic to talk about.Besides, she never spoke much about it anyway.

"I can't have children Steve.Don't you get that?"She cried.Steve had never seen her this venerable before.Normally Natasha was the most fearless out of the group.It was very rare to see her break down like this.

"I know.I'm sorry."He said rubbing her back."Hey, get some sleep and we'll talk more about it tomorrow."

She nodded, rubbing her nose with her sleeve a little and lay down on the bed.He looked at her then gently closed over the door.His head rested against the back of it for a second before he walked off.

Nat lay in her bed, a tear rolling down her face.

Meanwhile Tony stood in the hall, thinking about their conversation.What they didn't know is that Tony heard the whole thing.And he was gonna do something about it.

He would talk to Nat about it tomorrow.

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