Chapter 7:Jingle bells

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A/n:I need to find the credit for the fan art picture.

"Y/n?"Nat called out through the compound.Nat woke up the next day with Y/n gone.Of course her motherly instincts reacted with panic, immediately running to the others.

She ran up to the door, hearing faint voices getting closer.No surprise it was Tony and Steve arguing again.Nat ran into the room and looked around.

"Hey, anyone see Y/n?"

Tony looked around whilst Steve furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nope.You really need to keep track of that kid.Last time I found her sledding in the backyard with Caps shield."Tony laughed at the memory.Nat kept a stern look.

"I'm afraid I haven't seen her Natasha."Steve said.

"Right."She sighed.

"How could you lose my favourite niece?"Thor asked.

"She's your only niece."Wanda said.

"Besides the point, I need help to find her."Nat said.

Steve nodded."Alright let's look." He said following Nat out the door.To y rubbed his forehead and followed.Each team member going their separate ways.

Nat looked in the rooms and the kitchen.Sometimes Y/n was found hiding in the fridge.Wanda looked upstairs in the bathrooms.Thor checked the kitchen with Nat but got distracted by the box of pop tarts on the counter.Steve looked outside and around the building.

Wanda heard something when she walked through the halls.She stopped and looked up at the vents.Hearing giggling, she opened the vent door to reveal Y/n laughing to herself as she curled in a ball.Wanda sighed in relief.

"Y/n, you need to get down from there.Your mother is worried sick."Wanda said crossing her arms.Y/n looked down at her.

"But we're playing hide and seek."She sighed.


"AW are you kidding me?" Clints voice was heard.

"These kids always win."Clint said walking closer.He saw Wanda and tilted his head in confusion."Hey Wanda.What Ya looking at?"His gaze met Y/n's.He laughed.

"You won Y/n."Clint sighed.Wanda shook her head and left not wanting to hear any of their childish conversations.Clint held up his hands and Y/n jumped down, Clint catching her.

"Well done pumpkin.I think your getting a bit to old for me to catch you anymore."Clint laughed.Y/n glared at him.

"Are you calling me fat?"

"No no.It's just your getting older, which means your going to get heavier Uh....... Nevermind."Clint sighed putting her down.Y/n shrugged and ran off to find Peter who was looking for them.

"Kids man."Clint sighed and ran to the others.

Nat was relived when she saw Y/n run in with Peter chasing her.She fell back onto the sofa and closed her eyes.

"Bit dramatic but okay."Tony said walking away from the scene.


The team sat around the dinner table for dinner with Pepper serving out the lasagna.

Tony and Steve still glaring at each other.Nat put her knife and fork down in annoyance.

"Okay,what's wrong with you two?"

They stayed silent.Nat scoffed and leaned back in her chair.Pepper shook her head.

"This is ridiculous."Wanda said.

"Every time we have dinner, this happens."Sam scoffed.Bucky chuckled.

"Seriously, what happened?"Wanda asked.

"Ask him."Tony said.Steve glared at him with arms crossed.

"Tony thinks we should stay with Sheild.I personally think Fury is up to something."Steve said looking around the group.

"Hold on.Weren't you the one who said we should followe his orders?"Tony asked.

"That was before I was suspicious."

"Well I've been suspicious from the very start."Sam said."Don't you think it's weird that Fury called off the mission the other day?"

"Yeah, I guess."Pepper said.

"He's hiding something."Bucky said.

"We need to find out what."

"But not now eh?"Thor said."Come on,It's Christmas Eve."

Pepper nodded looking at Y/n who was watching Frozen on the tv.Nat looked over and smiled.

"How about we all cool down and figure this shit out after Christmas?"Nat said."Yeah?"

Bruce nodded."That seems like a smart option.Wouldn't want to bring tension on the most wonderful time of the year."He said standing up with his plate.He left for the kitchen with Buck and Sam following.

Pepper grabbed Tony's hand and smiled.He caught her gaze and smiled back, standing up to leave.

Nat got up after stacking the plates together on the table and made her way over to Y/n.

Y/n who sat starstruck at the tv.Like Elsa was a celebrity icon who she admired.Nat chuckled as she sat beside her.

"Enjoying the movie Y/n?"She asked.Y/n nodded not taking her eyes off the screen.

Nat let her head rest on the back of the sofa.Finally some peace and quiet.

"SCOOCH OVER!"Thor yelled startling Y/n who glared at him.Thor moved in between Bucky and Sam who just sat down beside Y/n.Nat made sure her daughter wasn't squished and lifted her onto her lap.

Y/n went back to watching Hans introduce himself to Anna.Y/n never liked watching movies with Thor.He always cried even at the happy parts that show no signs of sad.

And yet here they were as the other Avengers crowded the living room to watch the movie.Wanda brought in a bowl of popcorn and shared it with Steve.

20 minutes later and it got to the part where Hans dances with Anna.The song "Love is an open door."Played.

"Love is an open dooooooooorrrr."Thor sang.Y/n gave him a weird look.Sam and Bucky cringed covering their ears.Nat stuck in earbuds and Wanda just ignored him.

Later on, the movie ended with Elsa and Anna and Christoff being all happy.Y/n smiled at the ending.

Small weeps were heard from Thor's corner.Buck loooked at the god and saw tears stream down his cheeks.

"Dude."Sam said.Thor cried and cried.

"What's so sad?"Steve asked scooping some left over popcorn into his mouth.

"It's just s-so s-sad."Thor sad wiping some tears.

"Grow up ya big baby."Tony said and rolled his eyes.Pepper laughed at Thor's constant tears.Seems a bit mean but Thor crying was a constant thing that happened when they watched Frozen.

"Well that about wraps up that crap."Buck said standing up."Goodnigth and see you tomorrow."He waved to the group after walking over to kiss Y/n's head.

Y/n lay on her mother's chest as her small snores were heard.Nat shifted her daughter onto her chest so that she was more comfortable.

Vision, Sam, Wanda and the others did the same, kissing Y/n's head as they left.Nat being the only one left, switched off the tv and lifted Y/n up.

"Come on sweetheart.Let's get you to bed."She said as Y/n's head rested on her mother's shoulders.

Natasha brought her up to her room and tucked her gently under the covers."Goodnight Y/n."She said kissing her head as Y/n gripped her bunny toy.

Nat walked out, gently closing the door as she left.She smiled and made her way to her bedroom.

Tomorrow was a special day.

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