Chapter 13:Im sorry

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Y/n spots Steve and Bucky running for the Quinjet and bolts in their direction. Natasha sees her running and runs her way too. Vision flies above Steve and stops him from entering the hangar where the plane sits.

"Captain Rogers. I know you assume what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now." Visions says. Tony and the rest of his team show up.

"What do we do, Cap?"Sam asks.

"We fight."Steve responds as his team stood beside him. Y/n runs up and stands beside Steve.

"This is gonna end well."Natasha mutters.

The two teams stride towards each other with judgment and fury on their faces.

"They're not stopping."Peter speaks up.

"Neither are we."Tony declares as everyone breaks into a sprint.

Steve blocks a punch as Tony lands. Clint fires an arrow at Vision. Rhodey flies after Sam and Bucky fights with T'Challa.

Clint and Natasha battle with batons. Clint pins her down with his bow.She looks at him.

"We're still friends, right?"She questions.

"Depends on how hard you hit me."Clint grins. She spins him with her legs and as she's about to kick his head, her foot stops and glows bright red. Wanda employs her powers to put Nat's foot back on the ground and spin her body away from Clint.

"You were pulling your punches."Wanda says. Clint nods sheepishly.


"I didn't kill your father," Bucky states fighting with T'Challa.

"Then why did you run?" T'Challa asks clashing again.

Peter spots Y/n sprinting towards the action and swings out in front of her. "Hey Y/n. Stop!"

"Stop?" She questions. "You stop Peter!"

"No Y/n. I don't want to fight you."Peter says landing in front of her.

"You did it before. Do it again!" She glares."How could you not tell me, Peter!"

"I was scared of your response."He replied. She rolled her eyes and leapt towards him. Kicking his face, he landed on the ground with his hands up."Wait wait. Truce."

She pauses."Did you just call a truce?"

"Yes."Peter says out of breath.

"Peter, you know this is wrong.We can't sign over the Avengers to Ross!"Y/n shouts.

"Yes but I also know that your side is bad."Peter told getting up.


"Um........Mr Stark told me."He caressed the back of his neck. Something he's always done when he lies.

"U huh."She nodded before bolting off again.

"Why does she always run away?"Peter whispered.

"You talking about Y/n? Or girls in general? Because I can think of a lot of reasons why they would run from you Kid." Rhoedy said into the mic. Peter scoffed and sighed. He spotted Steve and started chasing him. Peter webs Steves's hand and Steve sees his shield to break it."That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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