Chapter 3:Keep her safe

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And that was just four years ago.

Y/n had grown to be quiet the young lady and of course the part time messer as well.She was four years old now and these past few years had been amazing.

Nat had gotten her wish and the others were so pleased for her.They devolved the habit of calling her "Bird" or "Giggles" was Wanda's favourite.

Each day Y/n would climb out of her bed and waddle as fast as she could to the staircase.Then, she would climb down to the bottom floor and then run towards the training room.There she would see her mother training with Steve.She would lean her head on her arms in admiration as she watched her mom take Steve down effortlessly.

She did the same this morning.She went to her usual spot and leant her head on her arms that were crossed.She watched Nat punch and kick her way out of Steve's way.Nat then flipped him over causing them both to fall to the ground with her over him with a smirk.

Y/n giggled at the sight as Nat and Steve shot their heads up to the sound.Nat laughed as Steve just groaned as he rolled to the side.Nat stepped off of him and made her way over to unwrap her hands that were covered in bandages to protect her jurying training.

She took a swig of her bottle and walked over to Y/n.Y/n giggled as Nat playfully glared at her.

"And what do you think your doing here young lady?"Nat tickled her belly.Y/n smiled.

"She's watching me win of course."Steve smirked.

"But you just lost."Y/n said.Nat laughed then kissed Y/n's head.She was proud of her little girl for speaking full sentences now.But she was more proud that they were both equally kicking Steve's American ass.

"Alright alright.I know you love watching your mom train, but you can't be down here Y/n."Steve said walking over after he set down the boxing pads.

Y/n looked down."I'm sowwy."She fiddled with the hem of her shirt.Steve sighed.He couldn't resist that face.

"Alright.It's okay."He said stepping away to grab his towel and bottle.

Nat finished wiping her head from the sweat and slipped on her zip up hoodie.It was the stripy one. Y/n always though Nat looked like a Zebra.

Nat extended her hand out to Y/n as she fixed her bag on her other arm."Come on Bird.Let's go upstairs."She walked out with Steve following close behind.


The Avengers all sat at the dinner table with Thor occasionally shifting in his seat.Tony always gave him wired looks when he moved.

Thor moved again and Tony had enough.

"Alright,Point break.What's going on?"

Thor shrugged."Nothing, nothings going on."

"Right.So why do you look constipated?"Tony asked using his fork to motion to Thor's uncomfortable state.

"It's just.....the chair."

"The chair?"Steve asked.

"Yeah.It's too small for me.I'm not like you Tiny humans.In Asgard we have mighty golden chairs with extended arm rests for extra comfort.Not this."Thor said wiggling in his seat.

"Well, why don't you cry about it?"Tony asked sarcastically.Steve glared at him.

"Thor,I'm sorry about the chair."Pepper sighed.

Nat sat picking vegetables and placing them in Y/n's mouth as Y/n spit some out.She hated vegetables, especially broccoli.

"Aww Y/n come on.Just eat a few."Nat waved the spoon in her face.Y/n smacked it away causing Clint to snort and Nat to shoot a glare at him.If looks could kill.

Two birds on a wire-Natasha x daughterWhere stories live. Discover now