Chapter 2:A baby born of Science

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Warning:Tw Needles and talk about baby's

Nat woke up that morning and immediately headed downstairs.She had a training session at eight with Steve and was always on time for these things.As she walked downstairs, she could hear voices.Steve and Tony's voices.

"So what Tony.You gonna make a child out of machine.You can't do that, it's not the same."Steve said.

Nat walked up to the door.

"I'm just saying there may be a way Nat could have a kid."Tony argued back.Nat was confused.Had Steve told everyone?

"It's not possible Tony."Steve said.Tony was about to speak when Nat walked in.They shut their mouths.

"What are you two arguing about?"She laughed.

"Nothing."Steve said.

"Something."Tony replied.Steve glared at him.

"Well, enlighten me."She said sitting down.

"Tony thinks there's a way for you to have a kid."Steve said.He looked at Tony."He's just being crazy."

"What do you mean?"Nat asked.

"I'm saying, I heard you two talking last night."Tony said as Nat scoffed."I may have figured out a way for you to have a child but not the normal way."

She leaned forward in the chair."What do you mean "Not the normal way"?

"I'm saying, a baby made of a science.As we know, children and us are made up of DNA, blood and water.Well, the main things.I'm saying with the help of Doctor Banner, I might be able to create a being of life from just science."Tony said.Nat looked at Steve as he shook his head.

"Don't make any promises Tony."Steve said.

"I didn't make any promises.I said I might."He looked at Nat.

"Nat?"Steve asked.

"Your saying you might be able to help me.That there's a chance."Nat asked.

Tony nodded."Thats what I said.And like our good friend here Capsicle said,I can't make any promises."

Nat nodded."Well, I suppose there's a small chance.Should I take it?"

Steve sighed."It's a risk.You do know that you need a man and a women to make a child.How is this going to be physically possible?"

"I'll figure it out."Tony said.Nat gave him a weird look.

"You can figure whatever you want out, but I'm not sleeping with you."She said.Tony looked wide eyed.

"Of course not."He said."I'll talk to banner.Stay quiet about this."

Tony left and Steve sat down."Is he telling the truth?"Nat asked.

"I don't know."

"You think maybe I should take a chance."

"It's risky and I have not clue how he's gonna do it."Steve said."I don't know if you should."

"Let's just see."He added.

Nat sat back in her chair.


Meanwhile Tony and Bruce worked on it.They were looking at the different ways this could work.

"You think this is a good idea?"Bruce asked.


"Then why are we doing this?"

"Hey, I'm just trying to help a friend."Tony said.

Bruce sighed."You know Nat has never said it but, she's extremely jealous of the others."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she sees Clint with his kids and gets upset and leaves the room.I don't know why but presuming we know the answer now.Since this is what we are doing for her."He gestured to the different screens full of information.

"We're gonna need a sample of Nats dna."Bruce added.Tony looked up.

"Like a blood test?"

"Yeah, we need some of her dna."Bruce said putting some mixture in a bottle.

"Right.I'm on it.JARVIS!"Tony yelled.

"Yes sir?"

"I'm gonna need you to send Nat down to the lab for me."

"Right away sir."

There was a silence.

"Agent Romanoff has been notified.She's walking to the lab now."


"Right I guess I should get some Petri dishes ready.She can take some blood out of her finger and then place it on the slide."Bruce said.

"You wanted me?"Nat voice was heard a the door.

"Yes,um for this to work, we're gonna need a sample of your dna."Tony said.

"Right, so some of my blood."

"Exactly.Now Bruce if you will."

"Yes, Nat just sit over here.I'm gonna take a small sample of your blood."He pricked her finger with a small needle causing some blood to release.She watched as he press her thumb to a small slide of glass and slip it into a Petri dish.

"Was that it?"She asked.

"Yes, for you.As you know, you need two to have a child.We're prbaly gonna need a father."Bruce said.

"Who?"She asked.

"Ya know, we could just try and get it to work without a father."Tony said.

"No.Not possible."Bruce said.

"So who is gonna volunteer?"

"Ummm."Nat thought.

They all shot their heads up.



"You want me to what?"Steve asked.

"Wait it's not what you think.I don't need you to......."Tony trailed off as Steve gave him a look."I need your dna."

"We've found a way to make this work.All we need is both make and female Dna and BOOM.BABY!"Tony yelled causing Bruce to jump.

"Right.So what do I do?"Steve asked.

"Sit down right here.Bruce will get a blood sample off you.That's if your willing to do this."

Steve looked at Nat.He sighed then nodded.

"Yeah.I'll do it."

"Okay.I'll just take a small sample."Bruce said walking over with a small needle and pressing it into Steve's finger.He took it out and put the sample with Nats.

"Now we just need to mix them and....."Tony said flicking through the files.

"Create a child out of just Dna."Bruce admitted.

"Yeah.That."Tony nodded.He walked over and placed the two samples together."Now we just need to add the.........other sample.Annnnnnddd boom."He stepped back from the machine.It made buzzing noises as Steve stood beside Nat,holding her arm.

It began making loud clashing noises and flashing white light.Bruce cringed at the noise.

Then it stopped.

They all glanced at each other.Tony ran over and opened the machine.His eyes widened as he looked inside.The he broke into a small smile.

"Tony,what is it?"Steve asked.

"Well,Natasha Romanoff."Tony picked up a small bundle from the machine.He turned around to the others."Congratulations."

Natasha's eyes widened but then she glanced at the bundle.

"Welcome to the world.Y/n Romanoff."Tony smiled and moved some blanket from the baby's face.

Bruce sat down in admiration and shock."I can't believe it."

"It worked."

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