chapter 3 (edited)

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Yesterday was... eventful to say the least. We went to the cafeteria to grab some pizaa together and just talked. We talked about relationships for a little bit and how I'm still single but i found out something more interesting i suppose. I found out Hana and Akari are dating. I was shocked at first but then i started to tease them about how I'll just be the third wheel in the dorm now. We laughed for the majority of the time before deciding it was better to go to bed so we can start classes bright and early even if i have to drag myself out of bed.

I woke up the next day and forced myself to get up because i really needed to go to the toilet. After that i just sorted myself out, making sure i looked presentable and got my uniform out and got changed. Ngl i look smexy ;)

I laughed at my own stupidity and walked out to the kitchen to see if the girls have woken up yet. To my surprise they were wide awake and bushy tailed. Though Akari had a coffee in hand and looked like she was about to bounce off the walls any minute while Hana seemed unfazed by this behaviour and carried on fixing up a small breakfast.

Yes it was cereal and yes Hana poured the cereal and then the milk. She isn't a psychopath... yeah i see you first milk people yeahh I'm coming for you. Respectfully of course. I walked over to them and said good morning though i only got one response Akari seemed to be in her own world. I gradually take away her coffee and it seemed to snap her from her trance. "Yeah okay that's enough for you" she had that crazed look in her eye and was ready to bounce off every wall from the pure amount of caffiene. I put down the coffee next to Hana and dragged Akari over to a seat where a bowl with cereal was alreayd layed out for her and guided her hand to the spoon and grab a biteful of cereal on said spoon and then slowly put it towards her mouth. "Here comes the airplane" i cooed. She pouted and started complaining about how she didn't need to be treated like a child before Hana butted in with her two pence about how Akari asks her to do the littlest things all because she can't be bothered and then Akari complained more about how she wasn't a spoiled child. Honestly it was hilarious i laughed through the whole thing, at one stage i nearly spat out my precious cereal when Hana shouted "your mum!"  It was just so random i nearly choked.

They finally calmed down. Akari started speaking again "oh did you guys hear about the new boys?" Hana raised a brow "there's a lot of new boys you need to be more specific, love" Akari stuttered at the last word but finally managed to say "that one big group of boys... the ones that all look absolutely godly" Hana smirked teasingly "not as hot as me i hope" Akari quickly shook her head as she now looked like a tomato. "I didn't mean it like that! W-well i did but you're still no.1!" She frantically waved her hands around as she tried to explain while me and Hana just laughed at her amusing state.

"So what are about them?" I finally ask. Akari takes a deep breath and says "They are all friends and from what I've heard from people over this short amount of time they don't seem like the right kind of people to hang around with..." she trailed off at the end. I scrunched my eyebrows together and asked confused "what do you mean right kind?" "Well um apparently they have all the girls around wrapped around their fingers which I'm not trying to imply they might be players but I'm just saying... be wary?" I laughed slightly and nodded my head "thanks for the heads up" she smiled with a slight nod of the head and continued to talk to Hana.

I scrolled through my phone and decided it wouldn't hurt to text my brother quickly and check how he is doing. It took a little bit to respond but he responded saying he was at a friend's house and about to head to school. Glad to know he's doing okay still. I looked at the time and wondered if i had enough time to go to the library and check out all the books before i go to class. So i grabbed my bag and yelled bye to my roomates and walked to the library. When i came infront of the building i smiled and pushed open the door and headed straight to the library and checked the fantasy genre first. Nothing much of interest. I frowned and went to the horror genre, still nothing and then i went to the romance genre. Finally a book that actually intruiges me! I headed to the counter and watched as this old woman smiles as she notices me and grabs the book out my hand gently and checked the book out with a stamp and handed it back to me with a nod.

I immediately grab the book and start walking to go to class while book in hand, reading. When i reached the classroom i sighed and went to the back row with my book and chucked my bag on to the ground and sat down before realising i need my notebook and picking my bag back up grabbing my notepad and a pen and placing my bag back down. Then i sat reading for the rest of the time while waiting for the teacher to arrive. I just hope tomorrow comes quickly.

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