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It's a nice day, isn't it? Rainy days are the best. The way the sky looks and smells, it's just a feeling that I can't explain. Mornings are the worst. Getting out of bed is hard. It's so heavy and I can't get myself up. 

Pull yourself together, it's just a few more years before I graduate.

Yes. Just bear with it. I slowly moved my feet off the bed, then my whole body. I pulled myself off the floor and prepared something to eat and change into. 

Fuck breakfast. I'll just buy something at the convenience shop or something.

Arriving at the shop, I scan around for something that I can devour fast. Noodles? Too long. In the end, I just choose a sandwich. 

If only I could live a good and peaceful life without them, stupid tyrants. This school is rather luxurious I might say. It's a miracle that I even made it into this school. Did my hard work pay off? Perhaps it did.

I wish they didn't exist. I thought to myself, but I have no choice. If I don't go to school, I won't be able to get a better future for myself. First, when I came to this town, I didn't know there was this scumbag kid whose father is so famous that they let the kid do whatever he wanted. 

Let's just say the first few days did not go well for me.

With fewer options, I tied my books together. In case I ever need to protect myself I'll just swing my bag.

----(time skip)

Those ignoramuses!

I swear to God! How can I ever get past him?! He is guarding the gate and there are no alternative options! Should I run through the window? Guess this is it... I'll have to skip class... But, I need to go to my class soon or else I'll be put on the late list and they will call my parents... Oh wait, they are not even here. 

I'm really tempted to skip.

I'm the main character fuck the parents! They are dead! Don't fuck them by the way. I don't need a sibling.

The bell rang. However, he did not leave the spot. He's known for skipping class anyways. Plus he's popular! That's totally normal for him! Is there another entrance? 

My phone vibrated in my pocket.

'1 new message'

Dickhead: I know where you live

What? Is that supposed to be a threat? 

Sometimes, It's okay to be late. I gave up and went back to the convenience shop to buy some noodles. When I'm done, I went back to the gate to check. Coast clear, proceed. Walking through the halls, I was extremely cautious. He might be lurking around the lockers. 

When I arrived, everyone turned to look at me. It makes me kind of uncomfortable. "It's not like you to be late. Sit down." My seat is in front of my enemy. His glares are really scary.

I made my way over and sat down hoping he won't do anything. Honestly, the teacher is so biased. Just because he is rich doesn't mean he can do what he wants. The teachers don't care if he is bullying me! Unbelievable.

While in thought, that bitch kicked my chair and made me jump in shock. I couldn't turn around. The last time I did he yelled at me in front of everyone, calling me a nerd. I've never felt so panicked before. As I ignored him, his actions become bolder each second. His hands felt around my ear, lightly touching. I slowly moved away but all that did was made him pull my ear closer to him. The same hand moved toward my nape, my collar, then he finally took his hands away.

After the class ended, I quickly packed my bag, shut it with a lock, and hope that he doesn't bring wrenches to school. Because it is illegal.

I left the room as briskly as possible and he doesn't seem to notice me leaving the room. He is too occupied with packing his bag and talking to his friends.

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