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What if they were in an omega verse?

"I- I'm... Pregnant?..." Sam couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the test results. He felt sick. Was he going to give birth to a child that belonged to an entitled man?

It wasn't unexpected as whenever Waylon was having intimacy with Sam, he kept yelling something about getting Sam pregnant. Waylon never used protection either.

Waylon went into a rut a month ago, which caused him to knot inside Sam. The expanding base of the cock stretched Sam's anus out so much it tore. Just as Sam recalled his previous days, Waylon banged on the door.

"What's the hold-up?!" Sam threw the test into the bin, covering it with a large amount of tissue. Then, Sam heard the jingle of the keys hitting each other, signaling that Waylon was unlocking the door.

Do I ever get privacy?!

Sam got up from the toilet and wiped his tip dry with tissue. "Why lock the door, I've seen you naked before." Waylon strolled over and rested his head on Sam's shoulder. "I'm tired, let's go back to sleep my little rat." Waylon dragged Sam to bed, cuddling him and not letting go.

Instead of cuddling with Waylon, Sam hugged his penguin plush. Feeling jealous, Waylon ripped the penguin away from Sam and placed it on the table which Sam was unable to reach.

Waylon went back to bed, resting his head on Sam's stomach. Feeling the urge to vomit, Sam whacked Waylon away and ran into the bathroom with Waylon holding the area that was hit while chasing after him. "Why are you running? Why are you running?"

With little to no time to close the bathroom door, Sam just left the door wide open as he violently vomited in the toilet. "Oh jeez... Last month must've fucked you up huh... But it was a month ago it won't affect you now... Wait."

Waylon scrabbled away and came back after a while. By then, Sam had stopped vomiting and was resting on the floor clutching his abdomen. "Pee on this." Waylon put the pregnancy test in front of Sam.

How the fuck did he find out so quickly? Should I hide it from him? Should I not? Do I want the baby? Do I not? Fuck... I may die during the birth!

"No, I'm just sick. I'm okay." Sam was looking everywhere other than at Waylon. He got extremely suspicious. The next few days, every time Sam used the bathroom, Waylon would rush in and dip the pregnancy test into the toilet bowl right after Sam opened the door. Sam stares in repugnance. "Fuck!" Clearly, the test doesn't work in water.

Waylon sighed and threw the test in the bin that was in the bathroom. Waylon went out to the stairs, lying down and rolling slowly, thinking of a way to find out about the pregnancy. As he was rolling, Sam happened to walk past. Being a pervert as always, Waylon couldn't help but slobber at the sight of a huge butt walking above his face.

Sam didn't feel too delighted with living with him, he frowned at the thought that he was bearing a child that he didn't like. While striding around in circles around the mansion, he kept pondering ways to 'accidentally' have a miscarriage. Since he didn't have his own phone, he didn't know where to search.

Sam turned around and went towards the place where he last saw Waylon around. As he speed walked there, Waylon was lying face down on the bottom of the staircase.

Now that I look at it, the carpet sure looks crunchy.

Sam rushed towards Waylon, however, he tripped on his own foot and lost balance, hurling at Waylon a high speed. Poor him didn't even know his spine was about to be broken as Sam was centimeters away from landing. Only when the damage was dealt then Waylon responded. Luckily, Sam wasn't injured at all.

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