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This is so cringe omg
Pls don't come after me for the names istg i found it on Google

During the ride, surprisingly, he did nothing too dangerous. His eyes are always on the road and he only turns the vibrator on during red lights. There are only a few traffic lights on the way to school which is a good thing. It pretty much alerts me when he's gonna turn it on.

The town really treasures him huh? He even has a private parking spot.

As I got out of the car, he turned it on to the max. My legs instantly got weak and I fell to the ground as he laughs. I wanted to stand up but he put his hands on my shoulder and push my back onto my knees. "Stay there."

The moment he took off his pants, I knew what he was going to do. His hardened cock slapped my face, leaving a foul-smelling stench. "Suck it, slut." I couldn't refuse anyways. I licked around his cock, the musky smell getting to my nose. "Tch." He grabbed my head and stuffed his cock deep into my throat.

I gagged, wanting to throw up as he used my mouth for his own pleasure. As he got closer, his thrusts got deeper, making my throat budge. "Drink up. Unless you want to announce to everyone you sucked me off."

He spurts it into my tongue, letting me choose. I closed my mouth with my tongue away from my roof. Not wanting to swallow.

I'm gonna spit it out later in the toilet.

The taste is unexplainably disgusting. Holding it in my mouth for more than 5 minutes is hell. "Oh? You look like you need some water." He gripped my chin and nose, parting my lips and shoving the tip of the bottle in.

The water hitting my uvula triggered my reflexes and I threw up on the floor, with some of them touching my shirt. "Hey. You spilled some on my shoe." He roughly pulled my hair and pushed my head to his shoe. "What are you gonna do about it huh?" I pushed as hard as I can against his grip, disgusted by the whitish water on his black-colored shoe.

He retracted his hand pulling on my hair."Gross. Oh well, I doubt they mind if we're a little late." He gripped my collar before throwing me back into the car.


"You're late." The teacher said to me only, letting Waylon walk past freely.

What is this discrimination?

They continued to scold me for another 5 minutes before telling me to stand outside the class with a bucket full of water. I placed it on the floor and squatted down.

They probably won't know I'm not holding it.

Until the bell rings, I relaxed and daydreamed. The hallway has never looked so empty before. This feels so surreal and peaceful, yet so creepy. I put my hand in the freezing water, feeling how calming it is until a strong vibration interrupted me.

I totally forgot it was there.

The bell's blaring sound alerts me to take the bucket up. The students and teacher came rushing out for break time. "learned your lesson yet? Meet me after school." Waylon was at the back with his friends, mocking me for holding the bucket.

After the teacher left, I was pulled into the classroom by the squad. "Oi! Lock the door!" They took the bucket and placed it on the floor, pushing the tables away. "Woah! A gangbang? Not as good as a girl but who cares!" Waylon scratches his head and thinks for a second. "Hm... Maybe some other time! For now, drown him boys!" I start to panic as they pushed me onto my knees, facing the bucket.

"No! Stop! Please! I-" They forcefully submerged my head. I kicked into the empty air and scratched the hands that were holding me down. "Pull him up." I could barely hear what they said.

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